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The Makings of A Good Weekend

Today I received an advance copy of Bill Perkins’ new book Six Battles Every Man Must Win. That put finishing touch on what I am hoping will be a very relaxing weekend. The plan is to spend plenty of time on the couch. I’ll be watching a bit of golf, watching a bit of March Madness (every March I try and ultimately fail to learn to like basketball), sipping Coke and reading my new book. If they happen to televise a bit of Bluejays spring training action it will make this weekend as perfect as a weekend without football can be.

And never fear, I’ll be sure to get off the couch to spend some time with the family!

I have a couple of book reviews to write and publish and will, of course, be continuing my study of Proverbs.

Note to Bill Perkins – I’m a Web designer. Let’s talk about your site! 😉

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