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Thursday Ramblings

I have promised never to do a “ramblings” entry more than once per week on this blog. I usually reserve it for Sunday, but after a very hectic day today, I have decided to post ramblings on Thursday. They require at least 20% less brainpower than a well-thought-out article, and I need to reserve brainpower.

I am supposed to be at evangelism training classes tonight. Our church is asking all members to attend a four week class (one meeting per week) to break down some of the barriers we allow to come between us and our God-given duty to evangelize. Unfortunately, and to my shame, I completely forgot about the class until now. Hopefully I can make up the class next week! I have no idea what the structure of the classes are, but I believe they are teaching three different methods – the “half hour” the “fifteen minute” and the “two minute” or something like that. It should be interesting…

I kind of got my Flash problems sorted out. Sort of. It basically required me to start over, but things always go faster the second time around. I’m excited about this site and think it’s going to be a really good one when all is said and done. It’s only my second-ever all-Flash site so I am doing a lot of learning!

Matt Hall posted a link to this article at Christianity Today. All those who feel they need more purpose in their marriages (actually, I think that should read Purpose®) will want to read Rick Warren’s article about making your marriage driven by Purpose! I’m not being sarcastic. Honest! (Or am I…?)

Mel Gibson’s company, Icon Production, has decided they didn’t make enough money from The Passion of the Christ so are suing for a larger cut of the box office receipts. Strangely, this event has not gotten much mention in the Christian press.

It seems the aptly-named Liberal Party in Canada is getting a bit worried about the upcoming election. Yesterday they released some awful television ads criticizing the Conservative Party. They misquoted Stephen Harper and did all sorts of mud-slinging. Harper commented “To treat the electorate as if they’re imbeciles is a strategy that will backfire and that’s what the Liberal party has done from the beginning of this election campaign. I will let the Liberals descend into the gutter. They will be punished accordingly.” I hope you’re right, Stephen. While I have little faith in any of the parties, I’m sick as can be of the Liberals, so you’ve got my vote!

Derek Webb released a new album on Tuesday that features almost equal parts teaching and music. The music is played in intimate settings, usually in front of no more than 50 people. Though a tough concept to pull-off, reviewers seem to be saying that Webb has succeeded. I’ll be picking up the album tomorrow and will let you know what I think of it.

91 days until Football season kicks off. I can’t wait.

5 days until Matt Redman releases a new album. If you want to know what we’ll all be singing in church six months from now, you can pick up the album on Tuesday. Interestingly, I have a rather extensive music collection, yet do not have a single, solitary Redman album. I have no idea why that is.

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