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Free Stuff Fridays

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Banner of Truth. They are offering five great prize packages this week. Each of them contains four books, two on Roman Catholicism and two that are new releases. Here is the list:

WebsterSalvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism by William Webster. “Why are there Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches? Is there any reason why a disagreement about doctrine which took place almost 500 years ago should continue to divide people today? In Salvation, The Bible, and Roman Catholicism William Webster explores the answers to these and other questions as he plainly and equitably guides the reader through major doctrinal differences. In doing so he appeals both to authoritative Roman Catholic documents and to the Bible.”

RomeFar From Rome, Near to God by Richard Bennet. “This book contains the moving testimonies of fifty priests who found their way, by the grace of God, out of the labyrinth of Roman Catholic theology and practice into the light of the gospel of Christ. But this is not a narrowly polemical work, nor is its relevance limited to the ongoing controversy between Rome and the churches of the Reformation. The love and concern felt by the former priests for those they left behind, and their fervent desire that they too should experience the joy and peace of salvation in Christ are seen throughout.”

HeidelbergThe Heidelberg Catechism (Gift Edition). William VanDoodewaard writes, “The Heidelberg Catechism follows the pattern of the Epistle to the Romans. It opens with the question ‘What is your only comfort in life and in death?’, and then examines the realities of human sin and misery (Rom. 1-3:20); salvation in Christ, including faith and repentance (Rom. 3:21-11:36); and the Christian life of thankful obedience in response to God’s grace in Christ (Rom. 12-16). The catechism stands as a faithful testimony to the ancient Christian faith in its scripturally derived shape and content, and further expressed in its exposition and application of the Apostles’ Creed, the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer.”

SpurgeonChrist’s Glorious Achievements by C.H. Spurgeon. Michael Reeves writes, “If you have never read anything of Spurgeon before, this book is for you, and a treat awaits you. If you want to press in to know Christ better, to know all he is for you and what he has done for you, read this.”

Again, there are 5 prizes to win, so get in on that draw!

Enter to Win

Again, there are 5 prize packages to win. And all you need to do to enter the draw is to drop your name and email address in the form below. (If you receive this by email, you will need to visit to enter.)

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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