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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays
This week’s Free Stuff Friday feast is provided by Christian Focus Publications and comes with an Old Testament flavour. For starters we have 3 biographies on Old Testament men of faith, Joseph, Daniel and Jonah.

Joseph: The Hidden Hand of God by Liam Goligher – Any regular attendee at School concerts will have heard countless renditions of ‘Any dream will do’! Andrew Lloyd-Webber and Tim Rices’ musical ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ has certainly brought awareness of… read more

Daniel: Trusting the True Hero by Sean Michael Lucas – Dare to Trust in Daniel’s God! What brings you to the book of Daniel? Is it the moral example of Daniel and his robust faith? Or is it because you want to dig further into the prophetic material that speaks of the end times?… read more

Jonah: Navigating a God-centred Life by Colin S Smith – Facing an assignment equivalent to being sent to warn notorious terrorists of God’s anger with them, perhaps it was no wonder that Jonah ran away – certainly portrayed in Scripture as no “super saint”, he avoided God and His call… read more (Note: coming in March)

For the entrée we have 3 Old Testament Commentaries from our popular Focus on the Bible Series including the new one on Amos by T. J. Betts

Amos: An Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary Message by T J Betts – Amos had no claim to fame. He was not even a son of a prophet. Neither had he had any formal training to be a prophet. Yet God called him out from a career of overseeing Herdsman. He was sent out from the south to bring the…read more

Isaiah: A Covenant to be Kept for the Sake of the Church by Allan Harman – Isaiah has been called the ‘fifth gospel’. Why? Because in it God speaks through his prophet of his people’s departure from truth, the need for repentance and the redemption provided by a coming saviour. Isaiah’s imagery is some… read more

Joshua: No Falling Words by Dale Ralph Davis – This exposition is rooted first in a thorough analysis of the Hebrew text, employing helpful insights from archaeology and linguistics, and second in the major theological and literary themes discovered in each section. Finally… read more

And finally for dessert we have the excellent Dale Ralph Davis tell us why we should read, preach, teach and inwardly digest the riches of the Old Testament…

The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts by Dale Ralph Davis – “I am a bit puzzled over why many Christians seem to think the Old Testament is such a ‘problem.’ I know the usual answers to that, but I can find many of the same ‘difficulties’ with the New Testament. What I am not so puzzled… read more

There are 5 prizes to win, so have at it!

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

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