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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

Christian Focus Publications publish over 500 books especially for children of all ages through their imprint CF4K. They also publish many excellent books for parents to help them to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (See also Psalm 78 v 4-7).

For this week’s free stuff Friday they are offering 3 parenting packs including 2 box sets of 5 books each. Which means that 3 winners will reach receive 13 books (if my math is correct). Also look out for Carine Mackenzie’s 150th book published later this year 365 Great Bible Stories: The good news of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.

Lightkeepers Boys Complete Box Set by Irene Howat – Ten Boys

5 books in a gift box presentation set. A great present for Christmas or birthday includes: Ten Boys who Changed the World; Ten Boys who Didn’t Give In; Ten Boys who Made a Difference; Ten Boys who Made History; Ten Boys who Used Their Talents. Each book has 10 short biographies of Inspirational lives which will serve as an example – It includes fact files, prayer suggestions and quizzes.

Lightkeeper Girls Complete Box Set by Irene Howat – Ten Girls

5 books in a gift box presentation set. A great present for birthday includes: Ten Girls who Changed the World; Ten Girls who Didn’t Give In; Ten Girls who Made a Difference; Ten Girls who Made History; Ten Girls who Used Their Talents. Each book has 10 short biographies of Inspirational lives which will serve as an example – It includes fact files, prayer suggestions and quizzes.

My First Book of Questions and Answers by Carine MacKenzie

Children always have questions about what it means to be a Christian. Do they need a long philosophical answer? Not always and it is simple answers to deep questions that feature in this book. If you have ever wanted to know how to explain the Christian faith to young children in bite-sized chunks then the 114 profound questions and answers, backed by scripture proofs provide an invaluable tool to get you started.

World-proof Your Kids: Raising Children Unstained by the World by Ruth & Timothy Sisemore

Many Christian parents are at their wits end about raising their children in a healthy and spiritual way. Increasingly the influence of the world, with its ‘me first’ obsession, is causing problems within the Christian home This influence causes Christian families to fall into the four categories:

  • The disillusioned family
  • The distracted family
  • The disciplinarian family
  • The dedicated family

All end up being influenced by the culture rather than by their faith. Is your family influenced by the culture rather than your faith. Is your family falling into an unhealthy pattern of behaviour? It’s time to find out and put things right. If you want to help your family then the Sisemore’s are here to help break the cycle.

Our Covenant With Kids: Biblical Nurture in Home and Church by Timothy Sisemore

Dr. Sisemore teaches you about – Christian parenting in a hostile world, educating children spiritually and academically, cultivating godliness, disciplining and discipling, honoring parents, how are children saved? The church’s responsibility towards its children, children’s involvement in worship and sacraments.

This is a practical and theological approach to parenting and children’s ministry – and shows how to nurture children to be disciples.

Giveaway Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

Note: If you are reading via RSS or email, you may need to click through to see the form.

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