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Free Stuff Fridays (Made To Flourish Edition)

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Made to Flourish which also sponsored the blog this week. There will be 5 winners this week and each of them will receive a fantastic package of books (and a DVD) related to work, to vocation. Here are the titles:

  • For the Life of the WorldGod at Work by Gene Veith. “Unpacking the Bible’s teaching on work, Veith helps us to see the meaning in our vocations, the force behind our ethics, and the transformative presence of God in our everyday, ordinary lives.”
  • Work Matters by Tom Nelson. “Striking a balance between theological depth and practical counsel, Tom Nelson outlines God’s purposes for work in a way that helps us to make the most of our vocation and to join God in his work in the world. Discover a new perspective on work that will transform your workday and make the majority of your waking hours matter, not only now, but for eternity.”
  • Flourishing Faith by Chad Brand. “In Flourishing Faith, Dr. Chad Brand examines key issues of the history and theology of political economy: work, wealth, government, and taxation with its various implications. Brand then explores the philosophy of how government relates to political economy and highlights how Baptists have contributed. Insightful, provocative, and generous.”
  • The Pastor’s Guide to Fruitful Work and Economic Wisdom by Various. “This Pastor’s Guide lays out a vision for our daily lives. Discipleship is not reserved for Sundays and service projects; it is faithfully lived in everyday actions in jobs, homes, and communities. Pastors, yours is a wonderful and difficult calling. This book is designed to equip you to serve your people in profound and tangible ways.”
  • What’s Best Next by Matt Perman. “By anchoring your understanding of productivity in God’s purposes and plan, What’s Best Next will give you a practical approach for increasing your effectiveness in everything you do.”
  • For the Life of the World (DVD resource). “For the Life of the World: Letters to Exiles is an invitation to explore the scandalous and beautiful story of God’s plan for the whole world. It starts with this key question: what is our Salvation FOR? How does it affect every part of our existence?”

Enter Here

Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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