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Free Stuff Fridays (Reformation Heritage Books)

Free Stuff Fridays

This weeks giveaway is sponsored by Reformation Heritage Books. They are giving away five prize packages of the following books:

Graciousness – John Crotts

“Truth matters. But as the apostle Paul wrote, we must always speak the truth ‘in love.’ For the Christian, our demeanor is just as important as our words. John Crotts helpfully reminds us that graciousness is at the very heart of the Christian life and is essential to the health of the church. Graciousness is an articulate, biblical, and pastoral reflection on graciousness and how God’s people can cultivate this character in their life. Crotts’s message is urgently needed in the church and deserves careful consideration by any disciple who treasures the grace of God.”

—R. Albert Mohler Jr.

The Ark of Safety – Ryan M. McGraw

This book explores the Westminster Confession of Faith’s claim that “there is no ordinary possibility of salvation” outside of the church by asking what it means, whether it is biblical, and why it is important. The author concludes that the Westminster Confession rightly stresses the role of the church in bringing people to salvation without making this claim absolute. We should love the church because Christ loved it and gave Himself for it. He died for the church so that we might live in and with it. Let us study this subject with our Bibles in our hands, the Spirit in our hearts, prayer on our lips, and our forefathers helping us along.

Watchfulness – Brian Hedges

“This book is long overdue and desperately needed.”
—Todd Friel, Host of Wretched Radio
“If you would enjoy Christ more, safeguard your soul with greater effectiveness, and live the faith-filled life more intentionally, devour these pages. It will do your soul good and sow seeds for a life of devotion to Christ.”
—Jason Helopoulos, Associate Pastor, University Reformed Church, Lansing, Michigan
“This book will elevate your pursuit of personal holiness as it brings to the forefront of your mind the eternal benefits of watching over your heart and being alert for your enemy.”
—Steven J. Lawson, President, OnePassion Ministries, Dallas, Texas

McCheyne’s Dundee – Bruce McLennan

In the mid-nineteenth century, Dundee was gradually establishing itself as Scotland’s third-largest city, with a rapidly expanding economy. What most attracted observers’ attention, however, was the religious revival that began in the Fall of 1839 under the leadership of two relatively young and inexperienced ministers, Robert Murray McCheyne (1813–1843) and William Chalmers Burns (1815–1868). In McCheyne’s Dundee, historian Bruce McLennan ably traces the story of revival in this industrial Scottish seaport. After looking at the social and economic conditions of the city, as well as the significant religious issues of the day, he then considers McCheyne and Burns—their backgrounds, their brief ministries in Dundee, and their impact as God’s instruments of great spiritual blessing to the people of that city. McLennan concludes with an analysis of the reactions to the revival—both approbation and opposition— and the awakening’s long-term effects, which could still be seen a generation later.

The Pursuit of Glory – Jeffrey D. Johnson

“Author Jeffrey Johnson concludes in The Pursuit of Glory that we are all searching for something. He is right. Every person who has ever lived is on a journey to find something of meaning and value in life. What are you pursuing—happiness, freedom, companionship, truth? The key to this search, as you will read in this book, is much more than ‘what’ you are looking for. Actually, the ‘Who’ of your search is all important. If you are honestly searching for the meaning and value of life as it is truly to be lived, read this volume from cover to cover. It will point you to finding glory in knowing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who will give you purpose for your life now and hope for eternal life to come.”

—Lance Quinn, senior pastor, Bethany Church, Thousand Oaks, California

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Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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