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No One Weeps Like a Prophet

Last week I posted an article written by my mother, Barbara: Tears at Thanksgiving. It seems that people enjoyed it and I received plenty of requests to post more by mom. I’m glad to comply! Here is something she posted a few days ago for the family’s benefit. And we’re glad to share it with you. I suppose it’s a poem of sorts. Whatever genre it fits in, I think it gives plenty of food for thought.

No one weeps like a prophet does. Why does he weep? He weeps because

He sees the eternal.

And others don’t.

Where others see gain he sees loss
Where others see strength he sees infirmity
Where others see security he sees frailty
Where others see life he sees death

“Then the man of God began to weep…”

“Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable?”

“It is enough, Lord. Take my life.”

No one rejoices like a prophet rejoices. Why does he rejoice? He rejoices because

He sees the eternal.

And others don’t.

Where others see loss he sees gain
Where others see infirmity he sees strength
Where others see frailty he sees security
Where others see death he sees life

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

“Day and night they never stop saying: holy, holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come.”

“He who testifies to these things says,Yes, I am coming soon.”

And Jesus asked the blind man,”What do you want me to do for you?”…And he replied, “LORD, I WANT TO SEE!”

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