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Friday Frivolity

It’s good to see Amy beginning to get back to posting her humble musings. She’s been a bit of a slacker lately! And speaking of Amy, my really-quite pregnant wife made the mistake of reading Amy’s birth story in which she describes the rather difficult time she had in giving birth to her latest bundle of joy. Thankfully I was able to console Aileen with the knowledge that her path to childbirth always leads her to take all the painkillers she can get her hands on as quickly as she can. To this point, neither of her two births have been particularly difficult. But having given birth twice she knows better than to read about other people’s experiences this close to the big day. Personally, I preferred the men’s version of Amy’s story: “We went to the hospital and had a baby boy. He is hardy and strong. Everyone is home and doing well. See you next post.” Aileen should have stuck with that!

This morning, Jollyblogger posted “A Blogger’s Creed,” a simple quote from Augustine that resonated with me. Augustine says, “I am the sort of man who writes because he has made progress, and who makes progress by writing.” That is an apt description of my approach to blogging. I make progress in knowledge and understanding (and hopefully in sanctification) by my writing. This is why I keep stressing that, in my case, blogging is inseperable from my spiritual disciplines. I have found recently that I am more capable of thinking when in front of a keyboard then in solitude. It seems that my thoughts flow quite naturally through my fingers.

I am anticipating quite a busy weekend with our big move now just a week away. A week from Saturday we will be moving to our new digs. I told Aileen that I would buy her a house before we turn thirty. I’ll make it, Lord willing, with just over a month to spare (her birthday is in early May). So if you live in the area and are desperate for something to do next Saturday, why not help me lug boxes?

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