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I received an email earlier today reminding me of a dinner engagement I had forgotten about completely. I agreed to it some time ago and didn’t bring my Outlook calendar with me. It turned out to be a great meal with excellent food and pretty good company too. We returned to the convention center to find a couple of new books: Culture Shift by Al Mohler and the newly published In My Place Condemned He Stood by Mark Dever and J.I. Packer. Mark Dever introduced his good friend Al Mohler and after an awkward man-hug between them, Al Mohler took to the pulpit to discuss penal substitution.

This happens only occasionally, but it seems to happen with some regularity when I try to blog a talk by Al Mohler. If he preaches I can typically keep up, but if he does a speech or other kind of session, I often get lost. Such was the case today. Dr. Mohler spoke about penal substitution and did so in a way that was more lecture than sermon. He dealt with the history of this doctrine, the constant attacks upon it and offered a defense of it. I will save you from trying to make sense of my incomprehensible notes and leave it to you to wait for the audio or to purchase the book that I assume will follow this conference. Though it is tough going, it will prove well worth the effort.

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