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DVD Review – Icons of Evolution

In 2002, Jonathan Wells published a book entitled Icons of Evolution. This book was subtitled, Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong. Wells, formerly a firm believer in evolution, had come to realize that much of what is taught about evolution is just plain wrong. Many “icons of evolution,” such as Darwin’s “Tree of Life,” Haeckel’s drawings of embryoes that look remarkably similar to each other, and the ever-famous Galapagos Finch had long since been proven to be mere myth. That these are myths is widely accepted in the scientific community, even by advocates of evolution. And yet these icons live on, taught as fact in science texts used in grade schools and in colleges. Wells’ book ignited a firestorm of controversy that continues to this day. It was responsible for convicting many to abandon or seriously question their faith in Darwin’s theories of evolution.

Icons of Evolution (the DVD) is an hour-long video presentation of Wells’ findings. While certainly nowhere near as thorough as the book, the facts are still as compelling and every bit as devastating to Darwinism, and perhaps more importantly, to Neo-Darwinism.

Produced by ColdWater Media, this DVD is well-made and well-produced – this is no amateur presentation. From the menus to the extras and to both the video and audio work, the production is solid throughout. The disc includes several bonus features, such as “10 Questions to ask your Biology Teacher,” answers from experts to frequently asked questions about evolution (highly recommended!), along with a list of suggested printed and online resources.

Icons of Evolution is appropriate for any audience, but would be most valuable to middle school, high school and college students who will surely encounter most or all of these icons as part of their education. Parents of these students would no-doubt benefit from it as well. The video concludes with several high school level students voicing their concern that they are not considered sufficiently intelligent and discerning to be taught various theories as to the origins of the world. Do they not gain more by following the foundations of the scientific theory even as they attempt to understand the origins of life? Why is it that Darwinism is considered fact – the only valid and responsible explanation?

This presentation focuses far more on disproving the icons of evolution than on teaching Creationism. In fact, Creationism is rarely mentioned. Many of the scientists interviewed are not Creationists, but are believers in evolution who are sufficiently honest to admit to the growing number of problems inherent within this explanation for the origins of life. Perhaps that increases its value. Of course by disproving many of the foundations of evolution, I am confident that viewers will be led the only plausible alternative, which is Intelligent Design. Surely the origins of life can only be adequately explained by admitted that where there is Creation, there must be a Creator.

This video is compelling and convicting and is a must-have for any library – church, school or public. Buy one for yourself and lend it to your family and friends. Icons of Evolution is a devastating examination of myth that is being taught as fact. I unreservedly recommend it.

This DVD is available from Amazon (see link below) or from ColdWater Media (1-800-889-8670).

There is no real theology, but the science clearly differentiates between fact and myth.
★★Special Features
The extra features are helpful and add to the value of the presentation.
Many videos are defenses of Creationism by Creationists. This is an examination of Darwinism current (and sometimes former) Darwinists.
Ideal for the whole family, but especially students. Watch it and learn!
A powerful and compelling DVD that you won’t want to miss.
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