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NCCT 08 – Day 2

It’s day two of the Nashville Conference on the Church & Theology. Things kicked off last night with a session from Dr. D.A. Carson in which he introduced the Emergent Church and Emerging theology. He also dipped into postmodernism and a variety of related topics. For those unfamiliar with the whole movement, I’m sure this proved a useful introduction. You will be able to download audio from the conference site after things have wrapped up. I’ll post a link when it’s available. When his session was complete he fielded some questions which allowed him to clarify a few matters. It was a helpful session, I think.

Today will begin with Dr. Steve Lawson speaking on the Power of the Gospel and he’ll be followed by Carson who will speak on The Gospel and Postmodern Minds. Later this afternoon, after Dr. Lawson’s second session, I’ll take a kick at things and discuss Loving God with your Mind. I continue to covet your prayers on my behalf and on behalf of the other speakers today. Nashville, it seems, represents a rather unique church setting.

Speaking of which, I am going to go through my notes one more time before heading over to the church. I pray you have a great and relaxing Saturday. I may check in a little bit later if I have time or opportunity!

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