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NCCT 08 – Heading Home

The Nashville Conference on the Church & Theology wrapped up last night with Dr. Carson speaking on “Preaching Christ Crucified.” It was, I think, a very useful conference and one that seems to have touched many of those who attended. The staff and the team of volunteers were very kind and very eager to serve. I always love the conferences that are held at local churches as they give such great opportunities for service. It was a joy to see so many people serving and to be able to meet so many brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you live in the Nashville area (or even if you don’t) and you’d like to get out to a conference next year, NCCT ‘09 will be featuring John MacArthur and Bruce Ware (and probably at least one more speaker). It will be another great one, I’m sure, and will be worth adding to your calendar even now.

My parents drove up from the Chattanooga area to spend some time with me, so this morning we’ll head over to Community Bible Church for the morning worship service (where D.A. Carson will be preaching once more) and then we’ll go out for lunch before I begin my journey back to Toronto. If all goes well I should be home for dinner!

Thanks for those who took the time to pray for me and for the other speakers. My first conference plenary session went about as well as I could have hoped, I suppose. I’m still far more confident behind a pen than behind a pulpit, but over time that may well change.

I do apologize for the shortness of the posts over the past couple of days. Because I have not been blogging this conference, I’ve been leaving my computer at the hotel and have been doing just little snatches of writing here and there. Hopefully by tomorrow we’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming around here.

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