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A Prayer That God Would Save Our Children

A Prayer That God Would Save Our Children

Every Christian parent prays that God would extend his saving grace from one generation to the next (and, of course, to the ones after that). Every Christian prays, then, that they would see the Lord save their precious children. This was on George Swinnock’s mind when he prayed this lovely prayer many centuries ago. May it give you words to pray to the Lord as you consider God’s mercy toward the children the Lord has given you.

Father of spirits, I pray for my children.

Manifest your grace and goodness and wash them in the fountain opened for sin.

As they bear the image of the first Adam, cause them to bear the image of the second Adam.

Let your grace be their beauty and the eternal weight of glory their portion.

Cause them to hear your voice and live.

Dear Redeemer, you said, “Let the little children come to me.” I bring them now to you; do not reject them. I present them to you in the trembling arms of my weak faith. Oh, lay your hands on them and bless them.

Blessed Jesus, you know the pollution of their natures, the difficulty of their conversions, and the boundless wrath to which they are liable.

Let your compassion yearn towards them, and your Spirit so accompany their instruction that in them you may see the suffering of your soul and be satisfied.

And I pray that I may walk in the path of your precepts for the sake of those that follow me.

May I be so pious in my words and works, so gracious in all my dealings and duties, that religion may be written fair through my conduct, and my children may with comfort follow my example.

Lord, while others turn off the highway of holiness, let me, like the pillar of fire, go before my family to the land of promise, and shine as a true light to direct them in the way to everlasting life.

I pray that as a parent of my children I may conduct myself as a child of my God.

Lord, my sons are your sons and my daughters are your daughters.

Let your power prosper my labors while they are young, so that they may be prepared for that noble work which you plan for them in the other world.

And when you send your servants to fetch them home, may they be conveyed by holy angels to your side, where I and the children whom you have given me shall love, and live, and rejoice with you for ever.

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