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A Sunday Blessing

Pastoral Prayer

One of my favorite things is to find someone else’s prayer that I can pray quietly by myself on a Sunday morning. I suppose there’s a kind of freshness to it—a different way of expressing similar truths. On this Sunday morning I’m praying along with J.R. Miller who once created a whole collection of prayers for that very reason.

As we begin this holy Sunday, our Father, may You give us indeed a Sunday blessing. On this day which reminds us of our Savior’s rising from the grave may we rise anew to a holier, truer, and heavenlier life. May we walk in the sunshine of Your own love. As we wait upon You, may You renew our strength so that we may be able to run without being weary, and to walk without being faint, on the week-days which lie before us.

We ask that You will bless us in our private and public worship on this holy Sunday. May Your blessing rest upon all worshiping assemblies of Your people. May this be a day of spiritual renewal in all the churches. Bless all Sunday schools. May Your grace fill the heart of every teacher; and may every child that receives instruction, be blessed through Your holy word. Bless all of Your missionaries, and fill them with Your Holy Spirit, to fit them for worthy service.

We pray that You will bless us in our worship today. Help us to leave behind every worldly thought and care, as we enter Your sanctuary. As we wait before You, may we receive instruction from Your word and inspiration from Your Spirit, so that we may be strong for battle and for duty. Help us today in our ministering to others. May we be enabled in our own home to give to each other the blessing of love and peace. Help us to carry …
comfort to some sorrowing one,
cheer to one who is discouraged, and
sympathy to one who is in distress.

We give ourselves to You for a Sunday of blessing, love, and peace. May our home receive new divine influences from above. May this be a shining day in the story of our lives. And we will give the praise and the honor to You forever. Amen.

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