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Monday Ramblings

Some of the people who read this site love the book reviews. Other people hate them. Those poor souls must be frustrated as I have posted an awful lot of reviews over the past few days. I can’t bring myself to apologize for this. I have had a long and strange week and somehow found myself reading even more than usual. That has resulted in a large number of book reviews (including a few that have not yet been posted). I will try to find something else to post for tomorrow and then, beginning Wednesday, I hope to begin live-blogging the Together for the Gospel Conference (featuring John Piper, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, etc).

Speaking of which, I’d like to thank all of those who have been praying for my wife. I was quite successful in keeping her offer her feet last week. Over the past seven days I have made 28 breakfasts (7 breakfasts for 4 people), 28 lunches, 28 dinners and 28 after-dinner snacks. I’ve done the shopping, washing, cleaning, walking, bathing, banking and a whole lot of little-kid-bum-wiping. I’ve also managed to work a 40-hour week up in my office. I have seen clear evidence of God’s grace in my life in that I have not resented this work, have not complained about it, and have not been seeking validation in Aileen’s expressions of gratitude. It has been a blessing to be able to serve and I’ve enjoyed taking care of her. I can’t help but think that this would not have been the case a year or two ago. Humble service has always come hard to me, but it seems that God has been working on this with me.

Tomorrow at noon she has another midwife appointment and we’ll get the final word on her blood pressure. If it is above a certain threshold, she will have to consult some experts and they will take over that area of her care. Depending on the obstetritian they consult, this could require Aileen just going home and continuing on as-is or being immediately induced. It is that subjective. So we’re just hoping (Aileen even more than me) that she’ll check out just fine, she’ll be able to return home and wait another few weeks for the baby to come, and I’ll be able to head to Kentucky for the two-day conference. My sister will be arriving tomorrow to spend the week with Aileen.

So please continue to pray. There is no great likelihood of harm to mother or baby, but depending on the circumstances, it could prove to be a very difficult, inconvenient three weeks before that due date rolls around.

In other news, I am going to make a major announcement tomorrow about a project I have been working on for a long, long time. Be sure to check in and see what all the fuss is about.

And now, it is just after 5:00 PM and I have got work to do. Dinner has to be made, dishes have to be washed and the cupboards need to be restocked…

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