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190 Blogs I Read

I am going to file this one under “by popular demand.” I have been asked a hundred times what blogs I read and how I read them. Do I really visit all those sites every day? And just how many of them are there anyway? Today I will explain how I keep up with blogs and other Christian websites and give you the complete list of the ones I read. It’s actually very simple.

I generally read blogs through Feedly, a service that aggregates web sites and displays only their most recent updates. I currently read 190 Christian blogs and web sites and draw the bulk of the articles you find in my daily A La Carte articles from this list. I have been collecting and curating this list for many, many years now, first in the now-defunct Google Reader and then in Feedly. It is an active list which means I often add new sites to it and remove sites that have gone cold or that no longer interest me.

Obviously I do not read every article Feedly presents me, but I do look through the list a couple of times a day and bookmark (using Pocket) a few that I will return to for a thorough read. Later, when I have read the articles I bookmarked, I pick the ones that most interest me and add them to the next day’s A La Carte. It’s a very basic workflow that has remained almost unchanged for many years. (I also maintain a small collection of other sites that deal with productivity, travel, personal finance, and other areas that are of special interest or importance.)

If you would like to view the list of blogs I read, you can do so right here. You will see what Feedly refers to as a shared collection that displays all of the Christian blogs and sites I read this way.


If you use Feedly or another RSS reader, you can download the OPML file which will allow you to add this list to your own RSS aggregator.

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