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Here’s How Christian Book Summaries Help You Learn More…In Less Time

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This sponsored post was provided by Books at a Glance.

Have you ever wanted to read more quality Christian books but couldn’t seem to find the time? Have you ever been frustrated purchasing a book only to discover that it wasn’t as rewarding as you had hoped? Now, thanks to Books At a Glance, you’ll be able to read and learn MORE…in less time because of their in-depth book summaries. Click HERE to see a list of their book summaries.)

Thanks to Tim Challies, this Book Summary is FREE for You!

Rather than take an entire article to tell you the benefits of learning the essence of an entire book in the short amount of time it takes you to read 8 – 10 pages (or listen to our audio summaries), we here at Books At a Glance wanted to give you a book summary for FREE, so that you can experience what our service is like for yourself. And then, once you’ve read this book summary, you’ll see the value in having a fresh and new book summary emailed to you every week!

Here’s Our Summary of Kevin DeYoung’s Book on Homosexuality (Click HERE)

What Does the Bible Teach about Everything?

DeYoung begins exploring the question regarding homosexuality by pointing readers to the big picture of the Bible. It is a story of creation and redemption, one where God sets up a temple among people so that they can commune together with him. It is about a fallen creation which God redeems and consummates. The future of God’s creation cannot be understood as a place without good and evil: God’s intention is for a holy place where suffering and wickedness no longer harm or demote the Creator. It is important to see, then, that homosexuality is not the heart of the Bible. And yet, the issues which are at the heart of the Bible – God, sin, redemption, a glorious new creation, etc. – all touch on homosexuality in profound ways.

***(Click HERE to View the Complete Book Summary for FREE!)***

DeYoung sets out the question which the book endeavors to answer and explain: “Is homosexual activity a sin that must be repented of, forsaken, and forgiven, or, given the right context and commitment, can we consider same-sex sexual intimacy a blessing worth celebrating and solemnizing?” (…Click HERE to Continue Reading this Free Book Summary…)

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