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It’s All About Jesus

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Missing JesusThe “Great Story” of God’s Word is all about Jesus. And so, as his followers, we must also be. But when you get right down to it, how exactly do you be Christ-centered? What do you do to become an all-about-Jesus Christian?

The thing is, God isn’t asking us to do something … he’s inviting us to see something.

Jesus entered our concrete world, and to our great joy became bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. Then he ascended, and he won’t enter our range of vision again until his return. But he’s not gone. He’s not far removed from us way up in heaven somewhere. Even though we can’t see him with our physical eyes, he’s still here.

Artists know that to make an object look faraway they have to paint it small and faded. And when we think of Jesus as distant from us, he can seem to get smaller and fade from our sight.

That’s why we are called to see him with eyes of faith.

… we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

When Ray Ortlund handed the reins of Haven Ministries to me, he admonished me to keep the focus on Jesus. In that time I also became convinced that the lack of Christ-centeredness is one of the greatest problems plaguing the church today.

That’s why my wife, Janet, and I wrote Missing Jesus: Find Your Life in His Great Story as an encouragement to believers across the spectrum to behold their Savior with fresh eyes.

I’m thrilled today because our partners at Moody Publishers have agreed to make the Missing Jesus eBook available to you for $3.99 from their retail site,

I’d also like to thank Tim Challies for his encouraging reviews on and also in WORLD magazine. And I’m especially thankful for the chance to share Missing Jesus with you today. I hope it will be a blessing and encouragement to you.

—Charles Morris

“Missing Jesus begins with the acknowledgment that at certain times we all feel as if we’re missing something. We have put our faith in Christ and we are following Him, but something still seems to be missing. There are a thousand answers to this and more, and most of the Christian books pouring off the printing presses claim to have the solution. Charles and Janet Morris look past easy and novel answers and point instead to the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we’re missing anything, we have probably lost sight of the Savior. In this book they offer glimpses of the gospel from many different angles, each one more powerful than the last. If you need encouragement, you’ll find it here.” (Tim Challies, World Magazine)

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