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Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

This sponsored post was provided by the Cutting It Straight Preaching Conference.

John MacArthur, Maurice Watson, Mark Dever, Jerry Vines, Charlie Dates, David Helm, Bryan Loritts, George Zemek, David Allen, Derek Thomas, Romell Williams, Terry Anderson and Hensworth Jonas. These are the speakers at the fourth meeting of the Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, September 19-21, 2017.

The goal of this conference is to train, model, and promote expository preaching. There will be plenary lectures about the meaning and importance of expository preaching, practical breakout sessions on the tools and work of Bible exposition, and worship services featuring faithful expositors that know how to cut it straight.

The conference name is comes from the scripture 2 Timothy 2:15; “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

The term “rightly dividing” is basically means to “cut it straight.” It was used of a doctor making an incision on a patient for surgery, an architect designing a house, or a construction worker making a straight path or road. Paul would have used it as a tentmaker. But he uses it in 2 Timothy to counsel his ministerial protégé to proclaim the word faithfully and clearly. This is the central work of the Christian minister, for which we must give account to the Lord. The ministry that pleases God must have an unwavering commitment to the faithful exposition of the word of truth.

At its core, Cutting It Straight is a preaching conference for pastors, preachers, and teachers. The goal is to help those who preach and teach the word to present text-driven and truth-driven message. But Cutting It Straight is not just for pastors. There are tracks for christian education, worship, youth, and women’s ministry leaders to help build word-filled ministries. This is a rare opportunity to have this many nationally recognized bible expositors and teachers in one location, so mark your calendar to attend.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Track is aimed squarely at the target of helping the church to fulfill the Great Commission of making stronger disciples of Jesus Christ. The track is designed to equip pastors, ministers of education, Sunday School directors and teachers, small group facilitators, or any leader tasked with the responsibility of discipleship development in the church. The track’s panel of presenters include some of the most dynamic Christian Education specialists in the country, who are uniquely gifted and qualified to address this primary emphasis of the church. Guest Speakers: Allen Taylor, Josh Hunt, Bruce Raley and Greg Ogden.

Worship and Arts

Music in worship should be an extension of the ministry of the Word (Colossians 3:16). Those who lead music should be just as concerned about cutting it straight as those who give the sermon. At Cutting It Straight, there will be a track for those who lead the various areas of worship and arts. We will promote a biblical philosophy of music ministry. And help worship and arts leaders to choose selections, train volunteers, oversee teams, do rehearsals, and lead worship in a God-glorifying way. Guest Speakers: Steven Ford, Tiff Joy and Roy Cotton.

Youth Ministry

The job of the church is to live, proclaim, defend, and share the gospel – and pass to it on to the next generation. Youth pastors, too, must cut it straight. Youth ministries must be discipleship-oriented. And youth workers need to understand the mindset of young people and teach them a biblical worldview. Cutting It Straight will have a special track designed to help those who minister to students to craft word-driven ministries that change lives by the power of the gospel. Guest Speakers: Cameron Triggs, Jon Nielson and Rober Purvey.

Ministers’ Wives and Women’s Ministry

We understand that heavy burden pastors’ wives face. We want to urge you and to help you view the work of the ministry through the lens of scripture. The Bible commands women to teach women. Cutting It Straight seeks to equip women’s ministry leaders to teach the word faithfully and clearly and to build their ministries on a biblical foundation. Guest Speakers: Sheila Bailey, Nancy Guthrie, Rhonda Kelley, Kristie Anyabwile and Colleen McFadden.

Make a special effort to be present with your team to join this network of Christian leaders that are determined to cut it straight to the Glory of God!

Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

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