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What If I Can’t Find Jesus in the Passage?

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This sponsored post was prepared by Westminster Theological Seminary.

Seeing Christ in All of Scripture

“I commend this work to anyone who preaches or teaches or studies the Bible.”
—Russell Moore

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A Common Struggle in Bible Study

Imagine you’re meditating on a passage in the Old Testament, unsure about how the passage relates to the coming of Jesus Christ. Maybe you’re alone in private devotions or with friends in a Bible study and all of you are somewhat confused. We’ve all been there. We long to see Jesus in Scripture, but it is sometimes hard to grasp how the Old Testament connects with the New Testament.

While many resources are available on biblical interpretation, it is difficult to find a book that is readable, learned, and trustworthy.

A New Tool for Studying the Bible

Seeing Christ in All of Scripture is designed to help people understand the beautiful, Christ-centered structure of the Bible. While the book is only 87 pages, the four authors have a total of five doctorate degrees (we’ll let you figure out who has two!), over 140 years of experience teaching the Bible, and over 145 years of experience ministering the gospel. Needless to say, this book is nothing if not readable, learned, trustworthy, and packed with rich content.

In many ways, Seeing Christ in All of Scripture is a window into what it is like to study with us at Westminster Theological Seminary. Seeing Christ in All of Scripture is a resounding affirmation of the unified convictions of our present faculty and an example of their classroom teaching.

We hope you will share this free book with your friends and consider joining the Westminster community via one of our degree programs.

Praise for Seeing Christ in All of Scripture

“This book, by some of the most respected scholars in the world, rightly argues that the context of every biblical verse is the scriptural witness to Jesus Christ and his gospel. I commend this new work to anyone who preaches or teaches or studies the Bible.”
—Russell Moore, President, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

“Westminster Theological Seminary has always led the pack in this quest, and still does, as the present book shows. It is very much on the right lines.”
—J. I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College

“Anyone who wonders what Westminster Theological Seminary is all about would do well to consult this interdisciplinary commentary on Christ-centered biblical hermeneutics.”
—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“I am happy to recommend this book because, as a Westminster Theological Seminary student in the 1970s, I was so excited about what I was learning that I could hardly wait to get to my classes. Especially wonderful were classes that showed the amazing unity of the Bible when understood in a system of Christ-centered biblical interpretation. That is the same system of interpretation that is taught at Westminster today and is affirmed so clearly in this book.”
—Wayne Grudem, Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary

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