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  • Resources Collection cover image

    Does Genesis 2 Contradict Genesis 1?

    Genesis 2 has often been put at odds with Genesis 1. A long list of skeptics have claimed that the content is contradictory in places, especially when it comes to the timing of the events it recounts. Other scholars have argued that stylistic differences indicate that the chapters were written by different authors as parts…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    The Essential: Man

    This is the fourth installment in a series on theological terms. You can see the previous posts on the terms theology, Trinity, and creation. Today the series moves to man. Surprisingly, attempting to define man in simple terms is not an easy task. There are many things that could be included in the definition and…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Should Christians Embrace Evolution?

    Should Christians embrace evolution? It is an increasingly urgent question and one that seems increasingly difficult to answer. Like you, I have grown accustomed to hearing Christians declare that, in the end, it doesn’t really matter a whole lot what you believe about creation, whether you embrace a literal six-day creation or a version that…

  • Why Does the Universe Look So Old?

    As you know I’m at Ligonier Ministries’ annual conference this week. I was going to give you some thoughts on the conference today but maybe I’ll do that another time. Today Al Mohler spoke on an exceedingly difficult topic–why does the universe look so old? And I think he did an exceptional job of providing…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/16)

    The Elisha Foundation – The Elisha Foundation is a great ministry that works with the families of disabled children (mental or physical disabilities). Their annual retreat is coming up and is a time when parents are given a brief respite from the work of caring for their children. Check out the web site for details.…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Wrestling with Evolution

    Christians are accustomed to treating evolution as an account of the world’s origins that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and something that a person could only believe in the absence of God or in the absence of faith. But this is not quite fair. There are now many Christians–Christians who treasure the Bible and who…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Extraordinary Value of Women (I)

    A few days ago I received an interesting email from a reader of this site. She had read an older article of mine in which I affirmed the Bible’s position about the extraordinary value of women. While she was grateful that I had written such an article, she shared some of her struggles with distinguishing…

  • Church Votes to Expel Non-Purpose Driven Members

    Before you get all crazy, please realize that this article is satirical. Rick Warren’s Book Becomes More than Recommended Reading for Local Congregation MEMPHIS, TN – Many Christians have heard sentences like these lately: “Oh, you really should read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren,” and “Wow, I can’t believe you haven’t read The…