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A La Carte (3/16)

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The Elisha Foundation – The Elisha Foundation is a great ministry that works with the families of disabled children (mental or physical disabilities). Their annual retreat is coming up and is a time when parents are given a brief respite from the work of caring for their children. Check out the web site for details.

Three Great Reads for Good Friday – Here are three good books you may want to read before Good Friday: one, two and for advanced studies, three.

The End of Publishing – This is an interesting little video that makes some good points and some not-so-good. An explanation of both would take longer than I’d want to give it in A La Carte.

Where Did John 5:4 Go? – Mounce looks at what happened to John 5:4. “This is a pretty big issue, and a simple blog can’t do it justice. It can also degenerate into a pretty ugly discussion; many of the people involved in the discussion don’t know much Greek (if any), and in the worst case scenarios the discussion is reduced to a matter of salvation. “If you don’t believe what I believe about the text of the Bible, you aren’t a Christian.” Let’s see if we can steer clear of this type of ungodliness.”

Spring Swag – My friend Becky is offering some great giveaways over at her blog. My guess is that women will find it significantly more interesting than men.

Deal of the Day: Pastor’s Package – RHB is offering to pastors a package containing some great resources.

Creationists and Holocaust Deniers – Richard Dawkins explains why Creationists are like Holcaust deniers.

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