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  • Social Media Apps

    Two Questions To Ask about Your Apps

    Recent headlines and revelations are causing a lot of us to think deeply about the apps we use, and especially the ones categorized as social media. We are beginning to question whether they are as beneficial and essential to our lives as perhaps we once assumed. As I’ve thought more and more about my apps…

  • RSS

    Beating Facebook’s Algorithm and Being Your Own Curator

    By now we have all read lots of articles and opinion pieces on Facebook, or at least seen lots of scary headlines. We are slowly and collectively awakening to the power Facebook has over us, which is to say, the power we have given it. We have given Facebook power one click, one tap, and…

  • Owning Your Social Media Habit

    Social media: can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Or that’s how it feels. Facebook, Twitter, blogs–I think most of us have a bit of a love/hate relationship with them. While we enjoy the benefits they bring to us, we also see how they seek to dominate our lives. Many of us now live…

  • 700 Billion Minutes

    Seven hundred billion minutes. That’s how much time Facebook’s 500 million active users spend on the site every month. 700,000,000,000 minutes. Let that one sink in for a moment. Every month we spend the equivalent of 1.3 million years on Facebook; the equivalent of nearly 18,000 lifetimes. More than half of us login every single…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    My Beastly Article

    Sometimes I am tempted to think that I enjoyed blogging more back in the days when nobody read my site. Of course those are mostly moments when I am feeling sorry for myself and the thoughts are not worth entertaining. After all, if no one read this site I wouldn’t get nearly as many opportunities…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Beast of Revelation

    Every now and again I receive an email, often as part of a group mailing addressed to a wide variety of the most-read bloggers, asking me to use my site as a platform to post or provide comment on a particularly inflammatory issue. I got one of those emails today, this one from Andy Jackson…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse

    A few weeks ago Jason Boyett wrote me to ask if he could send along a copy of his latest book, A Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse. I rarely turn down a book, so told him I would be glad to read and review this one. He encouraged me to review it honestly and to…