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  • Why Did God Create the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

    Why did God keep back just one thing from the people he made? Why would he make people in his image, then give them one prohibition? What was the purpose in that tricky Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Sinclair Ferguson addresses this in The Whole Christ. I am giving you everything in…

  • This Is Thy Day

    I quite enjoy The Valley of Vision, that book of Puritan prayers. This one is a favorite, a perfect prayer for the Lord’s day–one that looks to the Lord of that day. O Lord, My Lord, This is thy day,the heavenly ordinance of rest,the open door of worship,the record of Jesus’ resurrection,the seal of the…

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    Learning from a Brother

    It would not be my preference to begin this way, but I guess I need to say it up front: R.C. Sproul Jr. and I have some significant theological differences, and not only that, but we have differences in areas in which we are both rather vocal. Though we disagree on these things, he and…

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    How I Lead My Children in Personal Devotions

    Last weekend I mentioned on Twitter that I had finished planning out my kids’ daily devotions for another week; this led a few people to ask what these devotions look like. Though I am by no means an expert in this area, I am glad to share how I lead my children in their personal…

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    Weekend A La Carte (3/12)

    I spent the first half of yesterday traveling and the second half at a conference. Along the way I heard one person say something about an earthquake in Japan. It wasn’t until I got to my hotel that I learned there had been an utterly devastating earthquake in Japan and that it was followed by…

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    A La Carte (3/11)

    I’m on the way to South Carolina to speak at one of the Psalm 119 conferences on discernment. I’m looking forward to spend time with guys like Todd Friel and Trevin Wax. And of course, sharing a couple of messages on why to be discerning and how to be discerning well. The Prince of Wales…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 11)

    Today marks the end of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour. This was meant to be only a two week tour, but events conspired to keep me from visiting SharperIron on the scheduled date. We decided we would add one date to the tour so I could make that stop. The guys at SharperIron…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 10)

    Today is the second to last day of the blog tour for my new book The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. For the past two weeks I’ve been answering questions that have been asked by a variety of bloggers. Though something neither I nor Crossway had tried before, this blog tour has been fun, I think,…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 9)

    We are nearing the end of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour and today the tour takes me to Michael Spencer’s blog. I appreciated these words from Michael: “Those of you looking for an argument can move along. I’m sure Tim and I disagree on many things, but scripture tells us that it’s a…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 6)

    The blog tour for The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment continues today with a visit to Jollyblogger. If my memory serves me well (never something I can take for granted), Jollyblogger is one of the first blogs I began to read on a regular basis. David Wayne, a pastor in Maryland, doesn’t blog quite often enough,…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 3)

    Today The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour moves to The A-Team Blog. In case you’ve missed it on previous days, the tour works like this: the owner of another blog poses a question about discernment and my answer is posted on his or her blog on an appointed day. I follow the comments made…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 2)

    Today marks the second day of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment Blog Tour. The tour works like this: the owner of another blog will pose a question about discernment and my answer will be posted on his or her blog on an appointed day. I will follow the comments made on the blog, addressing them…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 1)

    As I mentioned recently, this week and the next will see me participating in a “blog tour” in support of my new book, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. The owner of another blog will pose a question about discernment and my answer will be posted on his or her blog on an appointed day. I…

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    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment “Blog Tour

    Next week, to coincide with the recent release of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, I’ll be embarking on a blog tour. “What’s a blog tour?” you ask. Well, the process is fairly simple. The owner of a blog poses a question about discernment, my answer to which will be posted on his or her blog…

  • Reality Check (IV)

    One of the distinctives of a conference geared at youth is that the people in attendance tend to have a kind of youthful enthusiasm. You know what I’m referring to, I’m sure. They are excited to be at a conference, are exciting to be with their friends, and are excited to be learning from good…

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    The Gift of Spiritual Discernment (Part 3)

    What do I do with the gift of discernment? What if I want it? What if I don’t have it? This is the third and final entry in this brief series dealing with the gift of spiritual discernment. The first part is available here: The Gift of Spiritual Discernment. In this first article we looked…

  • New Attitude (II)

    We arrived in Louisville after two good and uneventful flights, including one that is the shortest I’ve ever been on. Our first hop took us from Toronto to Cincinnati, a flight of about an hour and a half. The flight from Cincy to Louisville clocked in at just sixteen minutes or something like that. No…

  • The Future of Discerning Reader

    About one year ago I became the owner of the domain The purpose of Discerning Reader has been to serve Christians by providing discerning reviews of books that are intended for Christians or that are of particular interest to Christians. The former category primarily includes titles published by Christian publishing houses; the latter includes…

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    And There Was Great Rejoicing…

    Yesterday afternoon I put the finishing touches on my book and sent it off to the publisher, one day ahead of my April 1 deadline. I had assumed that I would feel a great sense of relief after doing this but was surprised to find that my reaction was one of fear, wondering whether what…