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  • Ordinary

    We Who Are So Ordinary

    A couple of years ago I listened to an interview with a critic of Christianity. He was a person who claimed to love Christ, yet who seemed to have little use for Christ’s church and little good to say about Christ’s people. There was one critique that especially stood out to me

  • On Hoarding Wealth and Fostering Gifts

    On Hoarding Wealth and Fostering Gifts

    I recently read an article about the countless billions of dollars that have been saved and stored up outside the mainstream financial system. The author explained that many people have lost their confidence in banks and other institutions and have responded by finding alternative ways to protect their wealth. Some have kept it in the…

  • Our Understanding of Earth and Our Assumptions of Heaven

    Our Understanding of Earth and Our Assumptions of Heaven

    I think we are all guilty at times of importing our understanding of earth into our assumptions of heaven. We are all guilty of importing our understanding of how things work here to how they will work there. We look at the world we know and extrapolate to the one we don’t. I sometimes fear,…

  • Teaching Others to Sing Sweetly

    Teaching Others to Sing Sweetly

    The story is told of a musician—a particularly skillful musician with a highly-developed ear for pitch, tone, and harmony—who visited a new church for the first time. He arrived a little late and entered the sanctuary just as the congregation was beginning to sing the opening song. To his chagrin, the singing was badly out…

  • The Greatest Christians and the Most Visible Gifts

    The Greatest Christians and the Most Visible Gifts

    I’m convinced we’re prone to make entirely too much of the most public gifts and entirely too little of the most private. We laud those who stand at the event podiums to preach the Word. We celebrate those who sit on the conference panels to answer our questions. We honor those who pen the few…

  • How To Discover and Deploy Your Gifts

    How To Discover and Deploy Your Gifts

    The area of spiritual gifts is one that seems to come and go, to ebb and flow, in the life of the church. Sometimes we are inundated with talk of discovering and deploying our gifts, and sometimes it seems they get forgotten altogether. Either way, I was blessed to read some of Sinclair Ferguson’s thoughts…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Unique Christmas Gift Ideas

    Last year I put together a list of unique Christmas gift ideas. This year I wanted to reprise that post while adding and taking away a couple of items. Here are 9 unique gifts you might offer someone for Christmas this year–things that may not be on your radar but would still make a good…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    10 Unique Christmas Gifts

    I probably should have posted this a week ago, but time kind of got away from me. That happens sometimes. Nevertheless, I think this is still a valuable little article. I wanted to draw your attention to 10 unique gifts you might offer someone for Christmas this year–things that may not be on your radar…

  • A Soft Spot for Soft Serve

    Here’s a topic appropriate to a warm Saturday afternoon during a sunny, spring long weekend (or it’s a long weekend up here in Canada, at any rate. Victoria Day, don’t you know…). You have probably found, as I have, that as people get older it becomes more and more difficult to buy them good birthday…

  • Tongues! Signs! Wonders! An Interview with Dr. Sam Waldron

    There are few subjects more debated and more hotly debated in the church today than whether or not the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to this day. We have recently seen a great deal of discussion about this issue in the blogosphere. It is an issue which leaves many believers confused, unsure as…