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  • Why You Won’t Make It Without Armor

    At some point every Christian learns about the armor of God, the spiritual weaponry through which we are able to resist the relentless attacks of Satan as he seeks to destroy us. According to Ephesians 6, we are to fasten on the belt of truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, take up the shield…

  • Guest Blog: The Crowd Was NOT Fickle!

    Today I am posting something rare–a guest post. This article was written by John Ensor, whom you may know as the author of The Great Work of the Gospel and Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart. In this article he takes on what he considers a popular Palm Sunday myth. Read it and…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – What You Need To Know About TPotC

    While I read hundreds of articles about The Passion of the Christ before and after it was released, What You Need To Know About The Passion of the Christ is the first full-length book I have read on the topic. Ian Brown, author and pastor of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster (Ireland) has written…

  • The Death of Jesus

    In response to the uproar surrounding The Passion of the Christ I wrote four articles about events that occured during Jesus’ final hours. They are:

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – The Murder of Jesus

    While I admire John MacArthur for his doctrinal orthodoxy and his willingness to stand for Biblical truth, however unpopular that may make him, what I most admire about him is his remarkable ability to teach from the Scriptures. I have found few people who are better able to carefully and accurately exposit God’s Word. Because…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ (Part Two)

    This is the second part of my review of The Passion of the Christ. The first part can be found here and is a scene-by-scene description of the film. In this part I am going to analyze the movie under several headings. I do not pretend to be an authority on movies so I will…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Movie Review: The Passion of the Christ (Part One)

    This is part one of a two part review of the movie The Passion of the Christ. In the first part I am going to give a detailed scene-by-scene synopsis of the film. It will contain plenty of spoilers so if such things bother you, you may want to skip it. However, if you are…

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    Banner of Truth on The Passion

    Thanks to Maryanne for sending me a link to an excellent article in The Banner of Truth entitled Five Reasons Not To Go See The Passion of Christ. The author (Andrew J. Webb) focuses on the movie’s origins, script, theology, medium and main character. Many of his points are similar to ones I have been…

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    The Passion of the Christ Updates

    Scouring the news sites I came up with some interesting links in regards to Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Hollywood Jesus has a review. You may want to turn down your speakers because the movie’s trailer plays automatically when you go to the site. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for…