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  • Love Your Wife

    When You Don’t Like Your Wife, Love Your Wife

    There may not be times in your marriage when you stop loving your wife, but there may be times in your marriage when you stop liking her—or when you stop acting like it, anyway. There may be times when you are easily irritated with her or times when you just can’t get along. There may…

  • Postpartum

    A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body

    It was with sorrow but not surprise that I read a recent article at Risen Motherhood. In The Gospel Frees Us From Shame: Embracing Sexual Intimacy with a Postpartum Body, Lauren Washer writes about an experience that’s common among women who have given birth to one or more children. “I never thought my feelings toward…

  • Like the Shepherd

    The great challenge in marriage is not to love our wives more but to love ourselves less, for it is self-love that generates so much of the strife we experience. To be successful husbands we must continually put to death within us whatever causes us to prioritize ourselves, our own interests, our own comfort, our…

  • Letters to the Editor (Miracles, Cessationism, Husbands)

    This week I told Why I Am Not Continuationist (or charismatic) and, not surprisingly, that generated quite a number of letters to the editor. So, too, did an article on the marks of a godly husband’s love. Here are a few highlights. Comments on Why I Am Not Continuationist First, thank you for your blog…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/6)

    The Royal Fetus – Denny Burk asks an insightful question: With all this coverage, I just have one question. Why is it that I have yet to hear or read anyone refer to her unborn child as the “royal fetus”? Oh, I’m sure someone has used the term “fetus,” but it seems to me that…

  • Energy, Time, Creativity

    With a friend I’ve been reading through R. Kent Hughes’ book Disciplines of a Godly Man. This week we read the section titled “Relationships.” This section is comprised of 4 chapters and offered all kinds of good food for thought. I wanted to point out just one brief excerpt that kicked me in the gut.…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    Reading the Classics – Real Christianity (VII)

    So this is it. As of today we’ve read the final chapter of William Wilberforce’s Real Christianity. This marks the seventh classic we’ve read together. I am going to offer a few closing remarks and then open it for discussion in case you’d like to reflect on the book. And then I guess we’ll have…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/2)

    I Hate That MusicBob Kauflin writes about why we should not be so fast to write off music we do not initially like. Of his ten points, I liked this one best: “Listening to music the masses have never heard of doesn’t make us better.” An Interview with Keith MathisonAlex Chediak has an interview with…