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  • David Livingstone

    Missionary, Explorer, Abolitionist

    There are some historical figures whose every sin seems to get overlooked and whose every virtue seems to get amplified. Conversely, there are other historical figures whose every virtue seems to get overlooked and whose every sin seems to get amplified. I would place the modern understanding of David Livingstone squarely in the latter category.…

  • Amy Carmichaels Room

    What Amy Carmichael Hung on Her Wall

    I spent a good portion of last year scouring the world for objects of historical importance. I read histories and biographies before I left so they could shape the direction of my travels. I read histories and biographies after I returned so they could interpret what I had seen and experienced. Here’s one case where…

  • Thank God for the IMB

    As I continue my year of so much travel, and as 2018 begins to draw to a close, I find myself pondering themes. What are some of the themes I have seen or experienced as I’ve traveled 16 countries across 5 continents? What are some of the common elements I can identify? I’ll have much…

  • Why Medical Missions Is So Effective

    Charles Woodrow is a doctor and missionary who has spent decades serving in Nampula, Mozambique. In a recent report he told of the value of medical missions and I asked his permission to share it with you. I hope you’ll be encouraged as you read it. You can learn more about Charles and his work…

  • Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas

    Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas

    There are some figures who tower over the history of the Christian faith. They are marked by their courage, their godliness, and their sheer faithfulness. There are many missionaries in this number and John Paton must rank high among them. Few have carried out a more difficult, costly, or perilous ministry. Few have suffered to…

  • If I Had Two Lives

    I feel like I should have been familiar with the name Costas Macris, but confess it was unknown to me until a biography unexpectedly showed up in the mail. Written by Dan Vorm, If I Had Two Lives is a stirring tale of an amazing life. I don’t know how it got to me, but…

  • An Army Without Supplies

    An Army Without Supplies

    I am an avid reader of books related to the Second World War. In my estimation, no conflict in history has been more interesting than this one. It has generated a wealth of fascinating stories and riveting accounts of unbelievable heroism. And even though countless thousands of books have already been written, new ones pour…

  • The Sweet Prattle

    Over the weekend I have been reading Vance Christie’s account of the life of Hudson Taylor (Hudson Taylor: Gospel Pioneer to China). This is, to my recollection, the first biography of Taylor I have ever read. Missionary biographies always give me a lot to consider and this one has been no exception. As with so…

  • Ten Chapters Per Day (Follow-Up)

    A few weeks ago I introduced you to Professor Horner’s Bible-Reading System in a post I titled Ten Chapters Per Day. As you remember Professor Horner’s system is simple but unique–“every day you read ten chapters of the Bible. That seems like a lot, so stick with me as I explain it. Each of the…

  • Ten Chapters Per Day

    I’ve shared here before that I often find it difficult to find real joy and freedom in my personal devotions. At times things go very well, but then inevitably it seems that difficulties creep in and I find that I come to dread my time spent reading and praying. What is at some times delight…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Outgrowing the Need for Grace

    It’s no secret around here that I love the book of Proverbs and consider it my “home page” in the Bible. I read through Proverbs at least once a year and, whenever I’m not sure what else to read, I turn to it. And while I love Proverbs and envy the wisdom of Solomon I…

  • Amazing Grace DVD at an Amazing Price

    I wanted to make you aware of a great sale over at Monergism Books. They are offering Amazing Grace: History and Theology of Calvinism DVD for the lowest price you’ve ever seen – a mere $19.95, which is $10 off the regular price (and, I believe, $10 lower than you’ll find it anywhere else). It…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom (2005) – Day 30

    This is part thirty in my 31-day study through the book of Proverbs. The purpose of this study is to learn wisdom and discernment from God’s Word. Yesterday I learned that I need to keep my mouth and emotions under control lest I be proven foolish by my words or actions. I also saw the…

  • The Passion Pays Off

    The Passion of the Christ took in over $50 million this weekend to move past the $200 million mark in just 12 days. What was once thought to be a $30 million risk has turned into a bona fide blockbuster. But the box office is not the only place where money is rolling in. The…

  • 31 Days of Wisdom – Day One

    This is the first part of a Thirty One day study in the book of Proverbs that I am entitling 31 Days of Wisdom. The more I read, the more I write, the more I learn, the more I realize my own shortcomings and find myself calling out to God for wisdom and discernment; wisdom…