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  • Moral Vision

    From Washington & Jefferson to Trump & Biden

    The United States has produced more than its fair share of fascinating figures. Over the course of its storied history, it has produced a host of figures who have shaped the nation, the continent, and the world. Many of these have been its presidents and politicians, though others have been its inventors, its business leaders,…

  • Are You Prepared For a New Batch of Conspiracy Theories

    Are You Prepared For a New Batch of Conspiracy Theories?

    We are just weeks away from another contentious American election, which means we are just weeks away from roughly half of the American population savoring a great victory and the other half suffering a great loss. This being the case, we are, in all likelihood, just weeks away from the birth of new conspiracy theories.…

  • Can Christians Smoke Marijuana Pot

    Marijuana and the US elections: Is it Really Legal?

    One of the reasons Christians don’t use marijuana is because doing so is against the law, in the United States at least. But what about when the law changes and suddenly, overnight, it’s (supposedly) legal? For some of you, that’s your reality. For others, it will likely be your reality in the not too distant…

  • Put Not Your Trust in Presidents

    Put Not Your Trust in Presidents

    Tomorrow is sure to be quite the day. The whole world will be watching as Americans head to the polls to elect a new president, finally bringing an end to what has been one of the longest, nastiest, and most divisive election seasons ever. Whoever wins tomorrow will face an especially difficult challenge as he…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by first-time sponsor Hendrickson Publishers. Hendrickson focuses on publishing Bibles and academic materials and they’ve got just the thing to interest you: The ESV Looseleaf Bible. They are offering five of them which means there will be five winners today. The looseleaf format is very helpful for studying…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Beauty in the Words

    I have always loved language, and the English language in particular. In fact, part of the reason I love to read is not to learn new things, but to learn how other people use words. When I read an author like Malcolm Gladwell, a very gifted writer, I learn more about language than about the…

  • Why So Critical?

    Today’s guest post comes to us from Stephen McGarvey. Stephen is editorial director of Salem Web Network (i.e.,, and so on). He tackles a subject that is near and dear to me–using discernment in real life. Is there ever a time man can judge another man? I can’t find it in the Bible…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Inequality of Possessions

    The American presidential election is almost upon us (even those of us who do not live in the United States). One of the fundamental issues in this election regards distribution of wealth. Many people have become alarmed at Obama’s statements about the redistribution of wealth. I think it is useful to provide a Christian perspective…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Good Saint Sarah

    For sheer entertainment value, I think American politics in general, and Presidential campaigns in particular, are about the best bang for my buck, even as a non-American. For little more than the cost of an internet connection I can spend endless hours being amused. This 2008 campaign may be the most entertaining yet. While I…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Confirmation Bias

    “The moment a person forms a theory his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory.” (Thomas Jefferson) Last night a reader of this site took the time to send me a link to an article I had somehow missed reading last week. It was written by Dr. Albert Mohler and…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Proper Use of Scripture in Books

    As you may well know if you spend much time around these parts, I read a lot. A whole lot. In my reading I have noticed a disturbing trend in the way authors use the Bible to prooftext their books. This concern has led me to write this article in which I will suggest some…

  • Feedback Files – 10 Questions

    It is time, once again, to open the feedback files. This list of ten questions was sent to me recently by a new reader of this site. He acknowledged being new to the Reformed faith and posed several questions. And by “several” I mean “lots!” 1. What do you think about Ray Comfort and Kirk…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    How To Study The Bible

    As Christians we believe that the Bible is the word of God. We believe it is, as it says of itself, “living and breathing, sharper than a two-edged sword.” We believe that the Bible is the greatest revelation of God – despite the incredible beauty of nature, it pales in comparison to what we find…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Minister of the Word

    J.A. Wylie was a pastor and author who lived in the nineteenth century whose greatest work is the three volume masterpiece “The History of Protestantism.” The first book spends a small amount of time examining early Christian history and how the purity of the original church gave way to the corruption of the Catholic system.…