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  • Being the Answer to Prayer

    A Parent’s Prayer for an Unbelieving Child

    I have become quite a fan of Kathleen Nielson’s new set of prayer books for parents. Through four short volumes she provides prayers for parents of young children, of teens, of young adults, and of adult children. This prayer is from the volume dedicated to prayers for young adults and asks the Lord to save…

  • When God Seems Deaf To Our Cries

    When God Seems Deaf To Our Cries

    Joseph died a young man, his eyes hollow, his body gaunt, his stomach distended. He suffered deeply in those final days before he finally succumbed to the great hunger that had already claimed so many members of his family, so many of the people of his land and the ones surrounding it. As his breathing…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Brief, Daily, Trinitarian Prayer

    I have, in the past, shared the prayer John Stott would use to begin his day. A number of years ago I excerpted just a small part of it and began to pray that on a regular or even daily basis. I thought I’d share it here in case you would find it valuable as…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer about Love

    As you know, I like to share occasional examples of pastoral prayers. I do this hoping they may provide inspiration for others as they prepare their prayers week by week. This particular prayer was prayed this weekend at Grace Fellowship Church. Our Father in heaven, we love you. How can we but love you, for…

  • What Jesus Does Not Pray

    What Jesus Does Not Pray

    The final night that Jesus spends with his beloved disciples is a night of much prayer. Before he prays privately in the garden he prays publicly in the upper room. Before he prays for himself and his own endurance, he prays for them and theirs. “I do not ask that you take them out of…

  • Being the Answer to Prayer

    Being the Answer to Prayer

    God invites us to pray, directs us to pray, commands us to pray. He even assumes we will pray, for when his followers ask him for instruction, he prefaces his teaching with “when you pray,” not “if you pray.” The Bible assures us we have been given bold, confident access to God through our faith…

  • A Prayer About Brokenness

    A Prayer About Brokenness

    Every now and again I like to share an example of a pastoral prayer from Grace Fellowship Church. I do this because there are few examples of pastoral prayers online and I thought these may serve to inspire themes, passages, or ideas as other pastors and elders prepare to lead their churches in prayer. Here…

  • One Of The Ugliest Sights in The World

    One Of The Ugliest Sights In The World

    One of the ugliest sights in the world is that of a child who rules over his parents. We have all seen it, I’m sure. We have seen parents who tiptoe around their child’s cries, their child’s demands, their child’s outbursts of anger. They will do whatever he dictates, give whatever he commands. We look…

  • Shedding Tears Over Sorrows That May Never Come

    Shedding Tears Over Sorrows That May Never Come

    We prayed as a family before Nick and Abby left for their fall semester, then snapped a photo of the two of them standing together outside our home—our two college students. It was August 1, 2020, and they were headed to Louisville, Kentucky, Nick for his junior year and Abby for her freshman. I made…

  • You Are the Light

    You Are the Light!

    A book I’ve come to much enjoy is Piercing Heaven, which shares favorite prayers from the Puritans (and a few others). Many of the prayers are ones I’ve been able to pray myself. This example comes from the pen of Robert Hawker. Precious Jesus, you are the Source, the Fountain, the Author, the Finisher of…

  • 2021

    7 Things I Pray You Experience in 2021

    A new year is now well underway, and at the beginning of this year I found myself reading and reflecting upon James Smith’s powerful new year’s address. (James Smith was one of Charles Spurgeon’s predecessors at New Park Street Chapel in London.) At the conclusion of his message he tells his church what he is…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Sunday Blessing

    One of my favorite things is to find someone else’s prayer that I can pray quietly by myself on a Sunday morning. I suppose there’s a kind of freshness to it—a different way of expressing similar truths. On this Sunday morning I’m praying along with J.R. Miller who once created a whole collection of prayers…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    Teach Us the Art of Praise!

    While most people know that few have ever preached like Spurgeon, not nearly so many know that few have ever prayed like Spurgeon. Believe it or not, many who attended his church spoke less of his preaching and more of his praying! The little book The Pastor in Prayer captures some of his pastoral prayers,…

  • week

    Who Gets To Rule Our Hearts This Week?

    Sometimes we all need a little bit of help praying. And when that’s true of me, one place I know to turn is Scotty Smith’s blog where he posts new prayers on a daily basis. One that caught my attention this week was titled Who Gets to Rule Our Hearts This Week?. I thought I’d…

  • Children

    We Are Praying For Our Children

    As a father, I try to make it a habit to pray for my children each day before they even crawl out of bed. Before they’ve begun their day, I want to have already asked the Lord to bless, keep, and prosper them. Praying for my children was on my mind as I read this…

  • The Prayer of a Convicted Sinner

    A recent book titled Piercing Heaven shares favorite prayers from the Puritans. Many of them are amazing. As an example, here is Philip Doddridge with the prayer of a convicted sinner. Injured King and almighty Judge, what can I say to the charges against me? Should I pretend to be offended, and defend myself? I…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer

    Our Father, we are so thankful that you are a God who loves. In fact, you are not just a God who loves, but a God who is love. For you, love is not merely something you do, but it is who you are. To be God is to be love, to be the very…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer for Easter in Lockdown

    From time to time, probably every month or so, I like to share an example of a pastoral prayer that was prayed at Grace Fellowship Church. The pastoral prayer is a time for one of the pastors or elders to pray on behalf of the congregation and to intercede on their behalf. This particular prayer…

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer

    One key element of our worship at Grace Fellowship Church is a pastoral prayer, in which one of the elders prays for the church and on behalf of the church. Every now and again I like to share one of those prayers. This was my prayer last Sunday. Father, at various times each one of…

  • A Prayer for Battling a Destructive Desire

    A Prayer for Battling a Destructive Desire

    At times each of us is faced with destructive desires—the kind of desires that, were we to act on them, would necessarily harm ourselves or others, and necessarily distance ourselves from the God we love. In Douglas Kaine McKelvey’s quirky book Every Moment Holy, I found a prayer that expresses the sorrow of such desire…