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  • Seven Steps To a Good Breakup

    Seven Steps To a Good Breakup

    Not every relationship works out. Not every couple who begins dating ends up getting married. Neither should they. In fact, for a dating relationship to be healthy, there must be a way out. As Sam Andreades says, “If you are not able to end a dating relationship, you should never start one.” And so, “Before…

  • singleness and dating

    What’s Wrong With Christian Dating (Part Two)

    What has gone wrong with Christian dating? Join me for the second part of the discussion (see part one right here) of some common questions about Christian dating and purity. Transcript What qualities should you look for in a potential mate? Well, the very first quality you need to look for is salvation. The Bible…

  • What’s Wrong with Christian Dating

    What on earth has gone wrong with Christian dating? Why does it seem so much more difficult today than it was just a generation ago? In this video I discuss some common questions about dating and purity. It is available in both YouTube and Facebook formats. Transcript How should Christians approach dating in our culture…

  • Love Languages

    The Problem with Love Languages – Three-Minute Thursdays #3

    If you are a Christian (and maybe even if you’re not) you’ve probably heard of “love languages.” I believe love languages can be both helpful and unhelpful depending how we use them. In this video I try to explain where they are helpful and where perhaps they aren’t. Here it is in Facebook and YouTube…

  • Have I Sinned Against You

    Have I Sinned Against You?

    I once had an unexpected, startling confrontation with another Christian. I was a speaker at a conference and walking from one event to another when an individual came charging up to me. He got right up in my face, like a batter arguing strikes with an umpire, and began to tell how I had offended…

  • Letters to the Editor (Hurting Others, Video Games, Seminary)

    It has been nearly a year since I laid the comments section to rest and begin inviting letters to the editor in its stead. It has been a blessing to receive so many hundreds of letters over the past year and to be able to share the best of them. Here are a few from…

  • Letters to the Editor (Hurting Others, Video Games, Seminary)

    It has been nearly a year since I laid the comments section to rest and begin inviting letters to the editor in its stead. It has been a blessing to receive so many hundreds of letters over the past year and to be able to share the best of them. Here are a few from…

  • Believing the Worst of Those Who Love Me Most

    There is a stubbornness to sin that surprises and disappoints. The Christian life is one of increasing triumph over sin, and yet even with the rejoicing there is so much disappointment, even with the victory there is so much failure, even while so much sin is put to death, so much remains. One area of…

  • Loving Our Enemies

    Today we come to our second-to-last reading in John Stott’s classic work The Cross of Christ. We are in a section that discusses some of the implications of the cross, or, as Stott phrases it, “living under the cross.” He wants us to know that the cross directs our conduct in relation to other people…