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Explore August 2005

  • Prayer Request

    Steve Muse, whom you may know from his web site at Eastern Regional Watch, woke up this morning to find his wife unconscious. She is currently in critical condition in hospital. Please pray for Steve and his wife Katherine during this time. Steve is a friend and one of the few “Internet” friends with whom…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism II

    In yesterday’s article we built a framework in which to understand sex from a biblical perspective. We saw that sex is: a Gift From God; intended only for marriage; for giving and receiving pleasure; a means of building intimacy; intended for procreation. Today we will continue this discussion to encompass autoeroticism, the act of providing…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism

    I am not aware of a large number of children that read this site, but despite that I’d like to begin this article with a quick warning. What I am writing about in this short series deals with a subject that is best-suited for adults. So if you are still young, I’d prefer you had…

  • 15 Things I Learned At Saddleback

    Scott Hill, who blogs at Fide-O, wrote a short article called "15 Things I Learned at Saddleback." I can’t quite decide if the article is hilarious or tragic. "For my own integrity sake I took the opinion that if I was to speak with any authority on Saddleback Community Church then I would need to…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Got Photoshop?

    An old version, that is… It’s quite a long and boring story, but if you have an old version of Adobe Photoshop hanging around your bookshelves I’d be quite interested in purchasing it from you. Contact me if you’re interested…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Question for RSS Readers

    I am beginning to wonder if the recent upgrade to Movabletype 3.2 has caused trouble with my RSS output. For those of you who read this site via RSS, can you let me know if the feed is working properly for you?

  • Scum of the Earth Church

    What’s In A Name? Here’s an original name for a church: Scum of the Earth Church. “It doesn’t sound like a church name … on purpose. We really want to connect with people who have no interest in “church” by society’s definition. There are plenty of churches for “normal people” and we think we have…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Challenges to the Church – Pragmatism

    This is the third article in a series that examines various doctrinal and societal challenges the Evangelical church must face early in the 21st Century. Previously we examined Relativism and the dangerous doctrine of Open Theism. Today we will examine pragmatism, which has become a dominant force in both the world and the church. I…

  • Sunday Ramblings

    Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed more and more girls (and young women) wearings shirts that look suspiciously like lingerie. You may have seen them too. I don’t know much about the world of fashion, so it’s entirely possible that people have been wearing these shirts for years. Perhaps you know the shirts I’m…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – The Slumber of Christianity

    I have long-since learned that when an actress launches a career in music it is best to avoid her album. Similarly, when a musician tries her hand at acting the results are usually painful. It seems the same is generally true when an author of novels tries his hand at non-fiction. So it was with…

  • Upgraded (Trackback Me!)

    I just finished upgrading to Movabletype 3.2. I’ve been looking forward to this version of the software as it allows some important new functionality. At the top of the list is trackback moderation, a feature that was sorely needed. It allows me to restore the list of trackbacks to the sidebar (a feature that I…

  • Meet Maryanne

    My oldest little sister. You may already have met my sister Susanna from the time or two I’ve linked to her blog. Today she is writing about Maryanne (who was born three(ish) years after me and three(ish) years before Susanna). You can read about her here.

  • Friday Frivolity

    Today I would like to regale you with a story about my daughter. It is a true story, of course, and seems just frivolous enough to post on a Friday. One day a couple of weeks ago when we were on vacation it was nearly dinner time and my daughter really wanted a popsicle. My…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Canadianisms – It’s a Fact, Eh?

    Today we will look at Canadian use of the English language. We have already looked extensively at that little word “eh?” so today we will turn to other words. Canadians employ an eclectic mixture of British and American spellings. Consider the term “Tire Centre” – a place you might visit to buy new tires for…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Church Discipline

    How Not To Do It. “Three leaders at a Korean church in Sydney’s north have been jailed over the bashing of a female church member who did not attend regular services. “Junior assistant pastor Chi Yeong Yun, 37, and bible study teachers Tom Chae-Yong Lee, 22, and James Kang, 21, from the Open Door Korean…

  • August Giveaway Results

    Thanks to all who participated in this month’s giveaway. Before I reveal the names of the winners, I’d like to once again thank for their ongoing support. At your request Monergism Books has deeply discounted several titles for everyone who wants them. They have been selected for their overall excellence in theology, scholarship and…

  • Why Not Tell Us What You Really Think, Ted?

    “The Christianity that attracts young people is the Christianity of earthly benefits, not the Christianity of an inheritance in heaven. Speak to many young people about our inheritance in heaven, and you’ll get blank stares. They certainly won’t dive into a mosh pit to express their delight with the prospect of Christ in heaven. It’s…

  • How to Play Outdoors

    Have children forgotten? An excellent commentary by Al Mohler. Read it here. “Author Richard Louv believes that America’s children are now suffering from a syndrome he identifies as “nature-deficit disorder.” In his new book, Last Child in the Woods, Louv suggests that the current generation of American children knows the Discovery Channel better than their…

  • The Edge of My Faith

    Over the past few days I have been giving some thought to my faith: the things of God in which I have great faith, and those in which I have little faith or even no faith at all. This time of reflection has been both a delight and a sorrow; a joy and an embarrassment.…