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Explore September 2009

  • A Word About Reviews

    You’ll have to bear with me today as I ramble a little bit on the subject of book reviews. Because reviews are such an important part of what I do here, I thought it would be worth covering just a little bit of how and why I do reviews. I generally try to review at…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Free Stuff Fridays

    Free Stuff Fridays is an opportunity to give away some great resources and today I’ve got some I think you’ll love. This week’s sponsor is Moody Publishers. Moody has offered up five prizes, each of which will contain three brand new books: Words From the Fire by Al Mohler, The Reason for Sports by Ted…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image


    The summer is drawing to a close. Though I love summer and will be sad to see the days grow shorter and the skies grow colder, fall does bring with it some great benefits, not the least of which is a long list of new books. For that reason I anticipate squeezing in a few…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/4)

    Morning and Evening PodcastChristianAudio offers a podcast of Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening [twice] daily devotional. Phil Wickham OnlineConversantLife is streaming a concert tonight featuring Phil Wickham. “Phil will be playing acoustic versions of songs from his forthcoming record, Heaven & Earth, explaining the unique stories behind each of them and how they weave together…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/3)

    Southern California has some amazing photographs of the wildfires currently tearing through southern California. Moralism is Not the GospelDr. Mohler: “In our own context, one of the most seductive false gospels is moralism. This false gospel can take many forms and can emerge from any number of political and cultural impulses. Nevertheless, the basic…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Nameless One

    Today we take a break from our regularly scheduled programming. I had something else to post today but wanted to put it on hold for a day or two so I can draw your attention to what I consider a very important article. It comes from Carl Trueman and is titled “The Nameless One.” In…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/2)

    Updated NIV in 2011Everyone’s talking about it. “Biblica, the Committee on Bible Translation and evangelical publisher Zondervan jointly announced the newest New International Version Bible — and acknowledged they were still singed by the fire and brimstone cast down on earlier update efforts.” In other words, the TNIV will disappear and will be replaced by…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan

    Calling the Holy Spirit “Forgotten God” may be a bit of an overstatement. Or perhaps it is an understatement. Some Christians seem to show little evidence that they have any theology of the Spirit while others seem to emphasize the Spirit at the expense of other biblical doctrine. What seems clear is that few Christians…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/1)

    The Resurgence of the R-WordI’ve noticed this trend, that the “r-word” is back in full force. “Actress Lindsay Lohan uses it, comedian Chris Rock says it, and last year’s Ben Stiller movie Tropic Thunder took it to a new low, when it mocked actors who play disabled characters, using the phrase ‘going full retard.’ It’s…