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A La Carte (09/11)

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Monday September 11, 2006

Church: A new article in “Time” asks “Does God want you to be rich?” Alex Chediak summarizes the article and provides some quotes.

Education: Dr. Mohler writes about Gerry Garibaldi. He “was in the movie business for 25 years, then he decided to become a teacher. That was a brave enough move in itself, but he has now written a courageous essay arguing that the schools seriously shortchange boys in the classroom. It is an essay that demands close attention.”

Emergent: “The Washington Post” has an article lauding Brian McLaren for his non-traditional ministry. A compliment by the Post is a slap in the face to most Christians!

Conference: Carla Rolfe is putting a call out for Toronto-area bloggers who would like to get together on September 23.

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