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A La Carte (10/1)

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Bankruptcy, not Bailout, is the Answer
Josh Sowin quotes Jeffrey A. Miron: “The fact that government bears such a huge responsibility for the current mess means any response should eliminate the conditions that created this situation in the first place, not attempt to fix bad government with more government.”

Phillip Jensen on Mark Driscoll
Phillip Jensen is going to write some articles dealing with Driscoll’s recent challenge to Australian Christians.

Bailing out the Bailout
Ray Fowler collects some interesting quotes on the bailout. “How big is $700 billion? This source reports that to date America has spent $583 billion to fight the war in Iraq. That’s right, we taxpayers are being asked to add an immediate expense to the federal budget that is more than $100 billion greater than has already been spent on more than five years of war.”

The Rules
At “Touchstone Magazine” Anthony Esolen offers a humorous but wise list of mays, may nots and musts when it comes to choosing a spouse.

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