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A La Carte (10/1)

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Who Was Samuel Ryder? – Golf fan or not, you may have been hearing about the Ryder Cup. This blog post asks and answers Who Was Samuel Ryder? “Ryder was also a keen Christian and a member of our church – Spicer Street, St Albans. In fact had it not been for a conversation with the then church minister the Ryder Cup tournament might never have eventuated.”

Preaching Matters – ”St Helen’s Bishopsgate an Evangelical Anglican Church in the heart of London have launched an excellent new monthly video series ‘Preaching Matters’ designed to equip, inspire and encourage all of us who teach God’s word.”

Why Does Autumn Have Two Names? – “Before it was autumn and fall, it was harvest. While the modern names of winter and summer have been around for more than 1000 years, the names of fall and spring are more recent—and less constant.”

5 Types of Critics – Here are five types of critics in the church.

Anger may be handled wrongly in either one of two ways: blowing up and clamming up.

—Jay Adams

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