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A La Carte (10/30)

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Parents, Require Obedience – John Piper: “I am writing this to plead with Christian parents to require obedience of their children. I am moved to write this by watching young children pay no attention to their parents’ requests, with no consequences.”

Quotes on Creeds and Confessions – Here are ten good quotes from Carl Trueman on the importance of creeds and confessions.

PrayerMate for Android – PrayerMate is a fantastic prayer app. Currently it’s only available for iOS, so if you’re an Android user, you may want to look at this Kickstarter project.

The Myth of “I’m Bad at Math” – No, you’re not. You just didn’t try hard enough.

5 Differences Between Catholic Theology and the Gospel – “With Reformation Day this week, it is a good time to remind ourselves of what exactly the differences are between the Roman Catholic Church and Protestants. Certainly on just about every single area of theology there are differences, but here are what I think are the five most glaring and significant issues that separate the Catholic Church from the gospel of grace…”

Remove an Emphasis – I continue to be a big fan of Bill Mounce’s series on Bible translation conundrums. Here he expresses concern over a missing emphasis.


There are some of your graces which would never be discovered if it were not for your trials.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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