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A La Carte (12/30)

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How Do You Begin Your Day? – Rick Holland reflects on how he begins his day. “So what is the first thing you do when you wake up? Here’s my problem. I find it easy to grab my iPhone and check my email, glace at social media notifications, see if there are any texts awaiting a response, and look at look at the news and sports feed. There is certainly nothing with doing these things. But my problem is that this is much easier and feels more urgent when I awake than addressing the thirst of my soul for God.”

6 New Year Resolution Questions – David found 6 questions you will want to ask about any New Year resolutions you happen to make.

Completely and Unreservedly – Derek Thomas writes about how the Lord saved him on this, the 40th anniversary of that day. “My conversion was Saul-like: sudden, unexpected, and decisive. I was eighteen, a freshman at university studying physics and math at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth…”

Eschatology: The Basics – In January Sam Waldron is teaching a course on eschatology. Though it doesn’t say so at the page I’ve linked to, the course is open to people who would like to take it via the Internet. If interested you can send an email to the address on the page and get further details.

Job – Here’s a Kickstarter project I’m excited about–a movie version of John Piper’s poem of the book of Job. Though as of yesterday it’s fully-funded, you can still pledge an amount and receive the Job movie when it releases in January.

Free Music – CCM has a few free MP3s for you to download.

Audible – Audible has quite a few good deals in their “Holiday Relief Sale.” I think you need to be an Audible subscriber to take advantage (so maybe this is a good time to try their trial offer–you can sign up, get a free book, buy some discounted books, and if you’re not interested, cancel your membership and keep that free book). Deals include The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner, and Drive by Daniel Pink.

Every sin is an act of cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereign authority.

—R.C. Sproul

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