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A La Carte (2/11)

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Meet John Piper
John Piper does not do a lot of interviews, but he has made an exception for C.J. Mahaney. You can read a brief interview here.

Finally Alive: A Review
Speaking of John Piper, (i.e. has a review of his new book Finally Alive. “Finally Alive cannot fail to have a dramatic impact on our understanding of what a Christian really is, how we can examine our own hearts to discern if we are truly in the faith, and how we can labor more passionately and effectively for the gospel-accomplishment of regeneration in the hearts of those all around us and across the world who are still dead in trespasses and sins.”

The Reformed Love Books
An excerpt from a forthcoming volume on Calvin. “This bookish contentment distinguishes both Calvin and those who followed after him. Reformed Christians removed all else from their churches in order to direct attention only to the Word, and they cleared all else from their shelves to make room for books.”

According to this forthcoming biography, a second member of the band Korn has become a believer (after Brian “Head” Welch). “By all appearances, Fieldy had the life. But he was on the dark path of excess, alienating friends, families, and loved ones, nearly destroying himself and the band. It took an unexpected tragedy to straighten him out: the death of his father, a born-again Christian, to a mysterious illness.”

MacArthur and Ware Audio
The Nashville Conference on the Church and Theology has made available the keynote addresses by John MacArthur and Bruce Ware.

ESV Loose-Leaf
Henrickson is publishing a loose-leaf ESV Bible. It will be released in May.

Deal of the Day: Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong
This book by John MacArthur and the staff of Grace Community Church is on sale at Grace Books International. You can get it for $8.99.

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