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A La Carte (2/14)

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The Faithfulness Fallacy – Julian looks at recent situations involving John MacArthur and James MacDonald and offers some good wisdom on not falling for the faithfulness fallacy. “In logic an ad hominem attack is when you criticize a person rather than their idea. What I find fascinating in both of the above cases is that the defence being used is actually ad hominem.”

A Question of Character – Carl Trueman has some wise observations about character and behavior in the ministry and elsewhere.

The Numbers Game – On the same blog, Jeremy Walker goes back to the writing of Charles Bridges to take a look at the numbers game and the way we tend to measure success today.

Seeds Family Worship – Seeds Family Worship has a new album out today; it deals with purity. You can listen to a track below. Like all Seeds albums, this one is simply Scripture set to music.

Network – “Information technology has become a ubiquitous presence. By visualizing the processes that underlie our interactions with this technology we can trace what happens to the information we feed into the network.”

If you would have the life holy before men, let the heart be pure before God.

—Thomas Manton

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