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A La Carte (May 18)


Good morning to you!

This has been a good week for Kindle deals—and there are more to be had today.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Worst Defeat in All of Human History)

The Case for Ditching Your Smartphone (from Someone Who Has Never Owned One)

I really enjoyed this article and was challenged by it (though I am very unlikely to do all it recommends)! “I turn 40 years old later this year and I’ve never owned a smartphone. I am a technological anachronism: a living, breathing social experiment in 2023 America.”

Attention, Affection, Authority

Bob and Julie Kauflin have some wisdom here for parents. “In these years far removed from the daily pressures of raising little ones, Julie and I have identified at least three ways God calls us to reflect his fatherly heart in the way we raise our children.”

Faithful Truth + Literary Grace

William Burkitt’s Expository Notes, with Practical Observations, on the New Testament is a forgotten classic, available soon in a beautiful reprint, that “is not only faithful to biblical truth; it expresses that truth with literary grace.” (Sponsored)

Believe it or Not: One Day Drag Queen Story Hour Will Be a Drag

This is true: that even for those who find Drag Queen Story Hour so thrilling right now, it will eventually prove to be a big letdown.

The Spider-Man Fallacy Fallacy

This article shows that the so-called Spider-Man fallacy is itself a kind of fallacy.

What Is Christian Science?

Ligonier has a nice little primer on Christian Science (which, of course, is neither Christian nor scientific).

Finding Rest on the Road

I appreciate Kody’s call here to make it your habit to find a local church on your vacations.

Flashback: The Dead Seriousness of Careless Words

Words can strengthen the weak or crush them, comfort the sorrowful or grieve them, relieve the burdened or weigh them down all the more. Words can be a taste of life or a savor of death, a scent of heaven or a whiff of hell. They can do the work of God or of the devil, serve the cause of Christ or of his enemies.

The more times we are in narrow straits, and we see God bring us through, the more peace and courage we will have as time goes on.

—Tim Keller

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