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A La Carte (2/19)

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An Adoption Success Story
The Washington Post shares the interesting story of C. Kenneth Johnson. “He has adopted eight children since 1983. Three daughters and two grandchildren still live with him. He has taken in another 144 foster children, most for a few days but some for as long as three years.”

A Twelve-Year Old’s Abortion Speech
“Despite facing threats of disqualification, a 12-year-old girl took first place in a speech contest when she eloquently argued for the rights of unborn children – after an offended judge quit. “

Students do not Know the Bible
“The Poet Laureate says it is becoming increasingly difficult to teach English Literature because students do not know the Bible or classical mythology. Andrew Motion told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme the lack of knowledge made it “difficult to even get beyond go” when teaching some of his recent students.”

The Gift of an ESV Study Bible
From Global Training Network: “One of the greatest privileges that our GTN Staff members had at the 2009 Uganda conference was to give out 150 ESV Study Bibles that had been graciously paid for by a donor.”

Why I Don’t Hate Big Church
I enjoyed this article by Gerald Hiestand. It explains how he overcame his aversion to “big church.” “On the surface, one might think that a smaller church would more naturally lead to relational connectedness. But I’ve since come to realize that intentionality–more than anything else–is the key to robust community.”

Facebook Privacy Settings
This article has a good roundup of some Facebook privacy settings you may not be aware of.

Deal of the Day: The Law of Kindness
Reformation Heritage Books is offering Mary Beeke’s book on kindness for a mere $5.

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