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A La Carte (2/28)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Little Miss Red Shoes – A heart-wrenching article from the field. “Little Miss Red Shoes goes to school with her friends. She’s in second grade. She lives with her mother and an aunt. Her father left the family years ago, though she thinks she saw him sometime in the last year. Her mom is HIV positive on treatment, sells little bits of beans and corn for a living, and often turns to the local church for assistance.”

Theology Refresh – Theology Refresh is a helpful new series from Desiring God. You can watch or listen in as pastors and theologians address a particular issue with each episode. Remarkably, they even manage to keep it short!

How to Listen to a Sermon – Reformation21 has an interesting article from Philip Ryken who offers wisdom on how to listen to a sermon.

The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom – This is really powerful.

The Gift of Discouragement – “Some people in the church seem to have the spiritual gift of discouragement. It’s all that guy can do – discourage others. Truthfully, we are all ‘that guy’ far too often.” Here’s how to turn it around!

Rise O Buried Lord – This album from Redeemer Church of Knoxville is on sale until Easter. You can also listen to it here if you want to give it a try.

Making a Wrong Decision – Does God have a plan b for my life if I make a wrong decision?

The Christian’s task is to make the Lord Jesus visible, intelligible and desirable.

—Len Jones

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