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A La Carte (3/1)

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One month from today my book will release. That’s pretty exciting. Kind of. It’s also a little bit intimidating; I don’t always do well under the weight of expectations. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to finally holding a copy of it in my hands. It’s been a long time coming.

Sex Is Cheap – Here’s an interesting article from Slate with a look at today’s sexual economics. “Despite the fact that women are holding the sexual purse strings, they aren’t asking for much in return these days—the market ‘price’ of sex is currently very low.”

Kenya’s Mentally Ill – A sad article from CNN, focusing on the fate of the mentally ill in Kenya.

Black Swan – Mary Kassian comments on the Oscar-winning film Black Swan and the false messages it contains about sexuality. “It’s Oscar week — the time of year when we have to endure Hollywood’s painful, unending fascination with itself. I didn’t watch the Oscars, nor did I see most of the movies that were nominated. But reading this morning’s paper, I did take note that Natalie Portman won an Oscar for best actress for her role in Black Swan. To me, this is a telling sign of current ideas surrounding female sexuality.”

Speed Kills – John Dyer has a similar but better-articulated article on the Rob Bell situation (compared to the one I wrote). In today’s world, when something important happens there is no searching for a notepad, no finding a pen that works, no saying, “Aw shucks, the mailman already came today. I guess I’ll have to sleep on it.” Instead, we are surrounded by dozens of shiny buttons enticing us to “publish,” “post,” “comment,” and “send.”

The Extra Trillion – AOL tries to figure out what that extra trillion dollars in the US budget is going to. This is a natural follow-up to an article I linked to yesterday.

Robertson McQuilken – Here’s a stirring testimony of a husband’s love for his wife. “Although thoroughly enjoying his role as president at Columbia, McQuilkin resigned from his post in 1990 to care for his wife who had been battling Alzheimer’s Disease since the early 1980′s.” (HT:TB)

The shortest road to an understanding of the Bible is the acceptance of the fact that God is speaking in every line.

—Donald Grey Barnhouse

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