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A La Carte (3/1)

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5 Dangers of Fallible Prophecy – Nathan Busenitz looks at a recent debate between Wayne Grudem and Ian Hamilton and points out 5 dangers inherent in Wayne Grudem’s view of ongoing, fallible prophecy.

Elements in True Reformation – Did you know that J.I. Packer once wrote a book titled Hot Tub Religion? Anyway, Randy Alcorn quotes it here, giving an interesting and important excerpt on the elements of true reformation.

Poetry in Single Columns – Here’s something I’ve noticed before. J. Mark Bertrand offers an explanation as to how poetry is printed in English Bibles.

Percentage of the Population – “It’s often said that if you repeat something loud enough and long enough, people will begin to believe it. Such is the case with the claim that 10% of the population is gay. Though it’s commonly believed, the figure is rarely questioned.”

A Pastor’s Neglect – Brian Croft writes about a couple of the consequences for the pastor who neglects his family for the sake of ministry.

World Record – This is phenomenal.

Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death.

—George Whitefield

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