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A La Carte (3/6)

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Sexual Sin in the Ministry – Writing for Desiring God, Harry Schaumburg addresses the sad prevalence of sexual sin in the ministry and pleads with pastors to get help. “For the last twenty years thousands men from across America struggling with sexual sin have come to our intensive counseling workshop. Over half were pastors and missionaries.”

Translating a Plural as a Singular – Mounce offers an interesting take on when it may be better to translate a plural as a singular. I’m not convinced, but it is helpful to think through these things as it shows how the translator’s job is not just to translate but to help understanding.

Fumblerules of Grammar – You’ve probably seen this before, but it’s always worth a read. “Late-1979, New York Times columnist William Safire compiled a list of ‘Fumblerules of Grammar’ — rules of writing, all of which are humorously self-contradictory — and published them in his popular column, ‘On Language’.”

Tongue Parasites – Don’t read this if you’ve got a weak stomach. “Whenever I give a talk about my book Parasite Rex, I try to gather together the creepiest images of parasites that I can. Every time, there’s one kind of parasite that summons an instant reaction: a mix of laughter, sucked-in breaths, and gasps of recognition. I speak, of course, of the parasites that eat your tongue.”

Out of a Far Country – A reader sent me the link to this powerful testimony of conversion. It comes from Christopher Yuan (who co-authored a biographical account titled Out of a Far Country).

Baptism and Church Membership – Jim Hamilton writes about the difficult and sometimes painful issue of extending (or not extending) church membership to those whose beliefs do not quite line up with a church’s statement of faith.

Nothing makes room for Satan more than wrath.

—Thomas Manton

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