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A La Carte (4/15)

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Animal Rights and Imago Dei
Walter Kaiser reacts to “an op-ed piece by Nicholas D. Kristof entitled “Humanity Even for Nonhumans” He argued that one of the great historical landmarks of the presidential election in the United States last year was not in the race or the president himself, but it was in ‘the limits of human dominion over other species.’”

Why George Frideric Handel Still Matters
NPR: “Handel has been called the first classical music superstar. His operas, oratorios and instrumental music were the toast of London for more than 30 years. And over the past two and a half centuries, interest in Handel has never waned — not for audiences or for musicians…” Be sure to listen to the audio clips they provide.

An Ark of Biblical Proportions
Hong Kong’s “three billionaire Kwok brothers have just the answer for the rising waters threatening the global economy: the world’s first life-size replica of Noah’s ark, built to biblical specifications off the coast of this recession-struck Chinese financial center.”

Our High Places
Rev. Kev is writing a series on “Our High Places” and it looks like it will be interesting. So far he has taken on our lack of Psalm singing and the worldliness of our entertainment.

Columbine Myths
An article in USA Today looks to the Columbine shootings and tries to sort through fact and fable. “Their rampage put schools on alert for ‘enemies lists’ made by troubled students, but the enemies on their list had graduated from Columbine a year earlier. Contrary to early reports, Harris and Klebold weren’t on antidepressant medication and didn’t target jocks, blacks or Christians, police now say, citing the killers’ journals and witness accounts. That story about a student being shot in the head after she said she believed in God? Never happened, the FBI says now.”

Deal of the Day: F.F. Bruce’s The Gospel & Epistles of John
CBD has a great deal on F.F. Bruce’s commentaries on the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John. Two volumes in one, 585 pages, for $7.99. “Dr. Bruce intended these commentaries for general Christians interested in serious Bible study, and his goal was to communicate what he learned of the message and meaning of both the Gospel of John and John’s three epistles.”

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