Overcoming Temptation – D.A. Carson talks about some simultaneous steps to take for overcoming temptation, including a deepening delight in Jesus.
A Crossway Opportunity – Crossway is not only a publisher but also a not-for-profit ministry that relies in part on gifts from people like you to accomplish major ministry projects worldwide. They have a unique opportunity they want you to help with.
Four Marks of Fruit-Bearing Christianity – Here’s some wisdom from J.C. Ryle. “The Christianity which I call fruit-bearing, that which shows its Divine origin by its blessed effects on mankind–the Christianity which you may safely defy unbelievers to explain away–that Christianity is a very different thing. Let me show you some of its leading marks and features.”
False Promises – Thomas Sowell is at his quotable best in this article. “The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them, but a reflection on us.” “What is amazing is the implicit assumption that “the rich” are all such complete fools that they will do nothing to prevent their money from being taxed away.”
A Week in the Life – I found this a very helpful article. Stephen Um simply describes what his week looks like when he is preaching the following Sunday.
God does not do many things that he can, but he does all things that he will.
—George Swinnock