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  • The Coming Millennial Midlife Crisis

    The Coming Millennial Midlife Crisis

    One of the things I most admire about the Millennial generation is their desire to make a difference in the world. They are convinced that it’s their responsibility to make the world a better place. Not only that, but they believe they actually can. It’s little wonder, then, that it’s so easy to rally this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/22)

    Overcoming Temptation – D.A. Carson talks about some simultaneous steps to take for overcoming temptation, including a deepening delight in Jesus. A Crossway Opportunity – Crossway is not only a publisher but also a not-for-profit ministry that relies in part on gifts from people like you to accomplish major ministry projects worldwide. They have a…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Books I Didn’t Review

    Today I’ve got another batch of books that I didn’t review. Life is such that there are lots of great books that I just cannot find the time to read and many other books I’m simply not qualified to review. These books tend to find their way into these round-ups of the ones I received…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (11/26)

    No End to Eurogedden – I found this article rather interesting, and particularly the distinction made between the 2 sides of the Euro divide. “In effect, there is already two currencies: the ‘Lutheran Euro,’ characterized by Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. The label has nothing to do with religion but with countries that are based…

  • RCT2: Christianity & Liberalism

    Today we come to our second reading in Gresham Machen’s classic book Christianity & Liberalism and just for the occasion I’ve got a nice new banner graphic (isn’t it pretty?). Our reading assignment for this week was the second chapter which is titled simply “Doctrine.” I know that many of the people who will read…

  • A Prerequisite for Membership

    I have been reading a lot of R.C. Sproul lately, partly for work and partly for pleasure. This week I made my way through Reason to Believe, “a response to common objections to Christianity.” One of the common objections to the faith is that Christians are a bunch of lousy hypocrites, people who call out…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/3)

    The Truth About Christian BookstoresDan Edelen has a good post explaining why Christian bookstores sell what they sell and why so many of them are disappearing. Geert Wilders: Wisdom and CourageIn this speech Geert Wilders, chairman Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, gave some interesting information about the Islamicization of Europe. “The Europe you know…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    The Decline of African American Theology

    Thabiti Anyabwile’s new book is one where the title really says it all: “The Decline of African American Theology: From Biblical Faith to Cultural Captivity.” This is a book that traces the sad decline of the broad stream of African American theology from its orthodox past to its increasingly unorthodox, irrelevant present. The book makes…

  • Giveaways / Free Stuff Fridays Collection cover image

    Giveaways, Amazon Reviews, and Forgotten Heroes

    This is a compilation of various things that caught my eye this week. They were things that needed more explanation than I could offer in A La Carte, but not enough that they merited an article of their own. The Great October Giveaway Winners The Great October Giveaway comes to a close today. I have…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/11)

    Wednesday July 11, 2007 Books: The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association has announced their award winners for 2007. John Piper’s “What Jesus Demands from the World” won in the Christian Life category. Strangely, a novel took the big prize (and, even more strangely, didn’t even win in its own category). Catholicism: The pope has apparently angered…

  • Twin Lakes (V)

    This afternoon we enjoyed a panel discussion in which Ligon Duncan spoke with several African American pastors. He asked about how they were saved, how they came to embrace the doctrines of grace, and how they feel the church can best address issues of race. He also spoke briefly on the phone with Mark Dever…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Christian Theologies of Scripture

    Those with an interest in the theology of Scripture may be intrigued by a book published this year by New York University Press. “All religious traditions that ground themselves in texts must grapple with certain questions concerning the texts’ authority. Yet there has been much debate within Christianity concerning the nature of scripture and how…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    While Europe Slept

    In 1998 Bruce Bawer moved from America, his homeland, to Europe. Stunned by the accepting attitudes of Europeans, and dismayed by much of what he had experienced in the United States, he moved first to Holland and then to Norway. But all was not as it had seemed. “The main reason I’d been glad to…

  • DVD Review – Making Choices

    Though I have no Dutch heritage, I grew up among the Dutch. During my childhood, the vast majority of my friends were the children of Dutch immigrants who made the journey to Canada in the years following the Second World War. I went to Dutch churches and Dutch schools. I even learned to like Dutch…

  • DVD Review – History of Christianity

    It takes a brave man to attempt to encapsulate 2000 years of church history in six 30-minute segments. Three hours is barely enough time to adequately explain the background information necessary to understand the rise of Christianity, to say nothing of its long and storied history. Anyone attempting to create a survey of Christian history…

  • Ghost Town

    Though it has nothing to do with what I usually write about, I thought I would post a link to this site. It is a fascinating account of a woman named Elena who travels into the Chernobyl “dead zone” and records her journey with photographs. It is amazing to see how a city, and really…

  • Most-Read Articles

    Someone recently asked me which articles on this site are the ones that get read the most. I consulted my site statistics and found out that some helpful soul at Verio’s technical support center had decided to erase all statistics from 2002 to February 2004 so I have to rely on memory and post-February statistics.…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Christian Handbook

    Christian Handbook is subtitled “A straightforward guide to the Bible, church history and Christian doctrine.” Written by Peter Jeffrey (a pastor in the United Kingdom) the book presents a wonderful introduction to the foundations and teachings of Reformed Christianity. The book begins with an examination of the Bible. It first examines how the Bible was…

  • Basic Christianity (Christianity 101)

    At the request of a few people, I have begun a series examining the basic teachings of Christianity. Consider it something of a “Christianity 101.” The series is intended for two main audiences. The first is people who are not Christians and are seeking to know something about this faith. The second is people who…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Basic Christianity, Part One: Ground Rules & Presuppositions

    A Starting Place I have been asked by a few different visitors to this site to write a series about basic Christianity. At first I hesitated, thinking that surely there were many, many similar series on the Internet that I could direct people to. I was only partially correct. There are many courses available, but…